Charge for Fees and Services

Sage ERP Accpac Project and Job Costing 6.0

Charge for Fees and Services


You use the Charges form to record amounts that you charge your customers for services or fees for which you have not incurred any costs directly (for example, a registration fee or a prepayment on a project).

The Charges form can be used only for time and materials projects and fixed price projects that use the accrual-basis or billings and costs accounting method.

To charge a project for fees or services that you levy:

  1. Open Project and Job Costing > PJC Transactions > Charges.

Click here for help on the fields that appear on the Charges form.

  1. Click the New button beside the Charge Number field. Project and Job Costing will assign a new transaction number when you add the transaction.

  2. Enter header information for the transaction.

    • Accept the New status.

    • In the Transaction Date field, specify the date for the transaction.

    The Year/Period field may change, reflecting the fiscal year and period to which the transaction will be posted, unless you change the posting date.

    To change the posting date:

    • Click the Zoom button beside the Year/Period field to display the Posting Date Override form.

    • In the Posting Date field, type or select the correct posting date.

    • Press the tab key to update the Year/Period field to reflect the new posting date.

    • Click Close to return to the transaction-entry form.

    • Click the Zoom button beside the Optional Fields check box to view or edit optional fields for the charge transaction, if you use optional fields.

    • Enter a description and a reference for the transaction using up to 60 characters for each.

  1. Click the Detail/Tax button, or click the first line on the grid and press F9 to display the Detail Charges/Taxes form.

  2. Enter details for this transaction.

    For each detail you enter:

    • Accept the line number displayed, or click the New button to start a new detail.

    • Complete the detail information for the transaction. (Click the Field button for this topic to obtain help on fields.)

    • Click Add (or Save) to add or save the detail.

  3. When you have finished entering details, click Close to return to the Charges form.

  4. Click Add (or Save) to add or save the transaction.

  5. To enter another transaction, click the New button next to the Charge Number field, then complete steps 2 through 7 again, or click Close.

After adding charges

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