Bill Customers

Sage ERP Accpac Project and Job Costing 6.0

Bill Customers


To bill customers, you first create a billing worksheet using the Create Billing Worksheet form (located in the Periodic Processing folder, in the A/R Billing subfolder).

Once you generate the worksheet, you can view it and edit it using the Billing Worksheets form.

You can also use the Billing Worksheets form to post individual worksheets, or you can post a range of billing worksheets using the Post Billing Worksheets form.

Posted worksheets are sent to Accounts Receivable as invoice batches. When you post the invoice batches, Accounts Receivable creates the entries to update general ledger accounts and the receivable amounts in Project and Job Costing.

Note that Project and Job Costing creates:

  • Worksheets using unique worksheet numbers, so you can have multiple worksheets at any given time. However, the same cost plus or fixed price project cannot be used on more than one unposted worksheet.

  • Invoices only for billable projects.

  • Invoices for projects that use the completed project accounting method only if the project has a Completed status.

  • One invoice for each invoice type (item or summary) required for each customer billed. If you have more than one contract for a customer, the invoice may include multiple contracts. If there are projects that use different tax groups for the same customer, the program also creates separate invoices by tax group.

  • The information that is included in an invoice detail depends on the project type and the accounting method.

    • For time and materials projects and for fixed price projects that use an item invoice type, there is a detail for each billable transaction, including the contract, project, category, and (on a standard project) resource.

    • For fixed price projects that use a summary invoice type and for cost plus projects that use the total cost percentage complete, completed project, or labor hours percentage complete accounting method, invoice details include the contract and project.

    • For cost plus projects that use the billing and costs, category percentage complete, or accrual-basis accounting method, invoice details include the contract, project, and category.

    • For projects that use the completed project accounting method, the program creates billings only if you have entered a Completed status for the project.

    • For the billings and costs accounting method, the program generates invoice details for all billable transactions dated prior to the cutoff date.

For more information on billing customers in Project and Job Costing, see Billing Customers.

To find out how Project and Job Costing determines the amounts to bill, see Calculation of Billing Amounts.

Before you start

  • Before you create a billing worksheet, make sure that you have processed all the cost transactions required for the period.

To create a billing worksheet:

  1. Open Project and Job Costing > Periodic Processing > A/R Billing > Create Billing Worksheet.

Click here for help on the fields that appear on the Create Billing Worksheet form.

  1. Choose whether to cut off transactions by transaction date or by year and period, and specify the date or year and period.

  2. Specify the date to use on the invoices.

  3. Specify the invoice type.

    Project and Job Costing produces summary invoices for all cost plus projects and fixed price projects that use the completed project and project percentage complete accounting method.

    It produces item invoices for all time and materials invoices.

    You choose (on the Project Maintenance form) whether the program will create item or summary invoices for a specific fixed price project that uses the billings and costs or accrual-basis accounting method.

    You can create a worksheet that includes either type or both types.

  4. If you use retainage accounting and you have a multicurrency system, specify whether to use the exchange rate from the original document or the current exchange rate when converting amounts.

  5. Specify, in the Create Invoices By field, whether to create separate invoices for each customer, contract, or project.

  6. Specify up to four selection criteria.The selection criteria you choose narrow the range of projects that you will bill at this time. You can choose Customer Number, Contract, Project, Category, Project Type, or Account Set as selection criteria.

  7. Specify additional criteria, depending on the type of invoice you are generating (item or summary), and whether you want to include customers on hold, inactive customers, contracts on hold, projects on hold, zero-billed fixed price projects, transactions on hold, or non-billable transactions (for time and materials projects, only).

  8. Click Generate to produce a billing worksheet.

Project and Job Costing uses the entries on the worksheet to create invoices for Accounts Receivable, unless you change them on the worksheet.

After creating the billing worksheet

  • Edit the worksheet, if necessary, and then post it.

  • Post the invoice batch in Accounts Receivable.

Additional information

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