Table of contents
- Finding the Help You Need
- What's New in Project and Job Costing 6.0
Getting started
- Steps for setting up Project and Job Costing
- Choosing Project and Job Costing options
- Adding and maintaining setup records
- Using menus and forms
Adding contracts and estimates
- Setting up contracts
- Using the tree view
- Using contract and project statuses
- Entering estimates
- Assigning projects to a contract
- Defining global project settings
- Assigning resources and categories to a project
- Searching by project and category
- Specifying general ledger accounts for projects and categories
- Specifying tax information for projects and categories
- Using retainage accounting
- Revising an estimate
- Entering opening balances
- Updating retainage
- Icon
- Entering transactions
Periodic processing
- Billing customers
Recognizing revenue
- Recognizing revenue
- Creating a revenue recognition worksheet
- Revenue calculation for cost pus projects
- Revenue calculation for fixed price projects
- Revenue calculation for time and materials projects
- Recording losses for percentage complete accounting methods
- Revenue recognition in a multicurrency system
- Icons
- Reopening Projects
- Closing a project
- Clearing history
- Creating G/L batches
- Updating payroll
- Printing Project and Job Costing reports
- Security for Project and Job Costing
- Technical Support
What Do You Want to Do?
Estimate and maintain contracts
- Create a new contract
- Assign a project to a contract
- Estimate a standard project
- Estimate a basic project
- Specify start and end dates for a project
- Enter opening actuals balances
- Enter opening activity balances
- Enter opening balances for stored material
- Enter opening retainage balances
- Change the status of a contract
- Change the status of a project
- Revise an estimate
- Close a project
- Use the tree view to work with contracts
Process cost transactions
- Charge a project for fees and services
- Charge a project for equipment
- Enter an employee's timecard
- Charge a project for employee expenses
- Charge a project for subcontractor expenses
- Enter a miscellaneous cost
- Transfer material to a project
- Allocate lot numbers in material usage transactions
- Allocate serial numbers in material usage transactions
- Allocate stored material to a project
- Return material to inventory
- Allocate serial numbers in material returns
- Allocate lot numbers in material returns
- Post transactions
- Adjust a posted transaction
- Perform periodic tasks
- Look up information
Maintain setup records
- Add or modify cost types
- Add or modify optional fields
- Add or modify contract structures
- Add or modify segment codes
- Add or modify account sets
- Add or modify project records
- Add or modify category records
- Add or modify employee records
- Add or modify equipment records
- Add or modify miscellaneous expense records
- Add or modify overhead expense records
- Add or modify subcontractor records
- Add or modify charge records (for fees and services)
- Import information into Project and Job Costing
- Export Project and Job Costing information
- Change program options
- Print reports
Estimate and maintain contracts
Browse Sequences
Adding Contracts and Estimates
- Setting Up Contracts
- Contract Maintenance Form - Overview
- Using the Tree View
- Using Contract and Project Statuses
- Entering Estimates
- Assigning projects to a contract
- Defining Global Project Settings
- Assigning categories and resources to a project
- Specifying General Ledger Accounts for Projects and Categories
- Specifying Default Tax Information for Projects and Categories
- Opening Balances
- Update Retainage
- Revise Estimates
- Billing Customers
- Converting from ACCPAC Plus
- Entering Transactions
- Periodic Processing
Project and Job Costing Reports
- Project and Job Costing reports
- Account Sets
- Aged Work In Progress
- Categories
- Charges
- Contract Structures
- Contract Details
- Contract Summary
- Cost Types
- Detailed Costs
- Detailed Transactions Report
- Employees
- Equipment
- Miscellaneous Expenses
- Optional Fields Report
- Options report
- Overhead Expenses
- Over/Under Billings
- Posting Errors
- Projects
- GL Transactions
- Posting Journals
- Transaction Listing
- Segment Codes
- Subcontractors
Recognizing Revenue
- Create Revenue Recognition Worksheet
- Revenue Recognition for Cost Plus Projects
- Revenue Recognition for Fixed Price Projects
- Revenue Recognition for Time and Materials Projects
- Recording Losses for Percentage Complete Accounting Methods
- Revenue Recognition in a Multicurrency System
- Closing a Project
- Reopening Closed Projects
- Setting Up Project and Job Costing
- Using Menus and Forms
Adding Contracts and Estimates
- 1099 Form
- A/R Invoice Type
- Account Description
- Account Groups
- Account Number Segment Overrides
- Account Number Segments
- Account Number Structures
- Account Segment
- Account Set
- Account Status
- Account Types
- Accounting Equation
- Accounting Method
- Accounting Period
- Accounts Payable
- Accrual
- Accrual Carry-Over Date
- Accrual Method
- Accrual-Basis accounting method
- Accrued Expenses
- Activating taxes
- Activation
- Active Order
- Actual Fiscal Sets
- Adjustment Period
- Adjustments
- Advance
- All Users
- Allocated Tips
- Allocation Account
- Allow Posting to Previous Years
- Allow Provisional Posting
- Annual Maximum
- Annualization
- Assets
- Assign UI Profile IDs
- Audit Trail
- Authentication Method
- Automatic Reversal
- Backdated document
- Bad Debts
- Balance Sheet
- Base Account
- Base Deductions
- Base Earnings
- Base Hours
- Base Taxes
- Base Wage Multiplier
- Basic Account Information
- Basic Project style
- Batches
- Benefit
- Billing Type
- Billings And Costs accounting method
- Budget Fiscal Sets
- Calculation Base
- Calculation Methods
- Calculator
- Carrying Over Vacation, Sick, and Compensatory Time Accruals
- Carry-Over
- Cash Advance
- Cash Benefit
- Cash Flow Statement
- Cash Method
- Category
- Category Percentage Complete accounting method
- Ceiling
- Chart of Accounts
- Class Codes
- Classified Statements
- Clearing Exchange Gain or Loss
- Close to Segment / Account
- Closing Account
- Closing Period
- Closing the Books
- Common Stock
- Company Database
- Company Desktop
- Company Profile
- Compensatory Time
- Completed Project accounting method
- Consolidated Batch
- Control Account
- Control Account for Subledgers
- Conversion Rate
- Corporation
- Cost Accounting
- Cost Center Overrides
- Cost Center Segments
- Cost of Goods Manufactured
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Cost Plus project
- Credit
- Currencies
- Currency Rate Type
- Currency Rates
- Currency Table
- Current Assets
- Current Liabilities
- Custom (and Local) Taxes
- Customization Directory
- Customize User Interface
- Database
- Database ID
- Date Matching
- Debit
- Decimal Places for Quantity
- Deduction
- Default Closing Account
- Default Currency
- Default Hours
- Default Rate Type
- Default Source Code
- Defining a Source Journal
- Defining Meaningful Account Number Segments
- Delimiter Character
- Depreciation
- Detail and Consolidated Posting Options
- Detailed Batch
- Details
- Direct Labor Costs
- Distribution Accounts
- Distribution Code
- Distribution Set
- Dividend
- Drilldown
- Earning/Deduction
- Earning/Deduction Frequencies
- Earnings
- Edit Imported Entries
- Effective Date
- Employee History
- Employee Level Security
- Employee Selection List
- Equity
- Euro Conversion Rates
- Euro Currency
- Euro Option
- Exchange Gain or Loss
- Exchange Rate
- Expense Reimbursement
- Expenses
- Exporting
- Factory Overhead
- Federal and State Taxes
- Field
- Financial Statements
- Finder
- Fiscal Calendar
- Fiscal Periods
- Fiscal Sets
- Fiscal Year
- Fixed Assets
- Fixed Price project
- FOB Point
- Force Listing of Batches
- Foreign-currency Bank
- Functional Currency
- Functional Currency Code
- Functional-Currency Equivalent
- Future Order
- G/L Batch
- G/L Options -- Account tab
- G/L Options -- Company tab
- General Ledger Account
- Gross Pay
- Gross Profit on Sales
- History
- Imported Account Data
- Imported Batches
- Importing
- Income
- Income Statement
- Information in G/L Accounts
- Integration Access Pack
- Integrity Check
- Inventory
- Invoice Type
- Journal
- Journal Entry
- Labor Hours Percentage Complete accounting method
- LanPak
- Last Run Date
- Last Year Information
- Ledger
- Level
- Liabilities
- Local and Other Custom Taxes
- Lock Budget Sets (1-5)
- Long-Term Liabilities
- Lookup Table
- Macro
- Maintain Quantities Options
- Manual Check
- Matching Concept
- Menu Bar
- Miscellaneous Charge
- Multicurrency Accounting
- Multicurrency Bank
- Multicurrency Fiscal Sets
- Multicurrency G/L Accounts
- Multicurrency G/L Option
- Net Pay
- No Users
- Normal (Account) Balance
- Number of Fiscal Periods
- Optional Fields
- Original Invoice
- Override Segments
- Overtime Rate Multiplier
- Overtime Schedule
- Owner Equity
- Partnership
- Pay Factors
- Payroll Class Codes
- Payroll Distribution Accounts
- Period Minimum and Period Maximum
- Periods Per Year
- Picking Slip
- Post in Specified/All Currencies
- Posting
- Posting Statistics
- Posting tab in G/L Options
- Preferred Stock
- Prepaid Expenses
- Price List
- Printing Scheduled Reports
- Printing Source Journal Definitions
- Profile ID
- Profit
- Profit and Loss Statement
- Profit Center
- Programs (Applications)
- Project Percentage Complete accounting method
- Project Type
- Provisional Fiscal Sets
- Provisional Posting
- Provisional Posting Journal
- Quantities in G/L Accounts
- Quantity Fiscal Sets
- Quarter With 4 Periods
- Quote
- Rate Operation
- Rate Type
- Rates
- Realization
- Realized Exchange Gain or Loss
- Reallocation Account
- Recognized Exchange Gain or Loss
- Reconcile (Bank)
- Record
- Record of Employment
- Recurring Transaction
- Remit-to Location
- Repayment Deduction
- Reported Tips
- Reporting Currency
- Restart Record
- Retainage Accounting
- Retainage Invoice
- Retained Earnings
- Revaluation
- Revaluation Codes
- Revenues
- Reversed Unrealized Exchange Gain or Loss
- Salary and Wages
- Salary and Wages Payable Account
- Sales
- Sales Table
- Sample Account Segments
- Schedule Code
- Schedule Reports
- Schedule Transactions
- Script
- Security Group
- Segment Codes Validation
- Selection List
- Service Years
- Services
- Session Date
- Settlement Rate
- Settling Transactions
- Shareholders
- Shareholders' Equity
- Shift Differential Rate
- Shift Differential Schedule
- Ship-Via Code
- Sick Time
- Sole Trader
- Source Codes
- Source Currency
- Source Document
- Source Journal Profiles
- Source Journals and Consolidated Transactions
- Specific User
- Spread
- Standard Project style
- Standing Order
- Statement of Retained Earnings
- Status
- Stock
- Subsidiary Ledger
- Surtax Multiplier
- Suspense Account
- System Database
- Tax Authorities
- Tax Classes
- Tax Groups
- Tax Tables
- Template (employee setup)
- Time And Materials projects
- Timecards
- Tip Disbursement
- Total Cost Percentage Complete accounting method
- Transaction Rate Type
- Trial Balance
- Type
- UI Profile ID
- UI Profile Maintenance
- Unrealized Exchange Gain or Loss
- User Authorization
- User Record
- Vacation Time
- Wage Bracket Table
- Wage Garnishment
- Web Desktop
- Withdrawal
- Workers' Compensation Code
- Worksheet
- Years of Fiscal Sets
- Years of Transaction Detail