Add or Modify Subcontractor Records
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You cannot delete a subcontractor record if the subcontractor is assigned in any existing contract projects.
To add, edit, or delete a subcontractor record:
Open Project and Job Costing > PJC Setup > Subcontractors.
Click here for help on the fields that appear on the Subcontractors form.
In the Subcontractor Code field, enter a code for the subcontractor using up to 16 characters.
In the Subcontractor Name field, enter the subcontractor's name.
Enter a description for the subcontractor, such as the type of service provided.
To display the information from the Accounts Payable vendor record as the defaults for the subcontractor, enter the A/P vendor number, or select it using the Finder.
Complete the remaining fields.
Click Add to add the record, or Save to save your changes.
To add another subcontractor record, click the New button next to the Subcontractor Code field and repeat steps 2 through 7, or click Close to close the form.