Transaction History Report
The Transaction History report provides a printed listing of transactions that appear on the Transaction History form, with the advantage that you can print the report for a selected range of contracts, projects, categories, cost classes, customers, contract status, and project status.
You can print the report for any or all subledgers that integrate with Project and Job Costing.
The report also includes the customer number and name, so that you can distinguish between the project customer and the contract customer.
When to print
You print the transaction history report any time you need a printed report of transaction history.
Before printing
If you want to keep a copy of the report for your audit trail, set the printing destination to Printer or File using the File menu on the company desktop.
To print the Transaction History report:
Choose the Transaction History icon from the PJC Transaction Reports folder.
You can also print the report by choosing Print from the File menu on the Transaction History form.
In the Select Transactions By field, specify whether to select transactions by transaction date or by fiscal year and period.
Choose from the following selection criteria to restrict the transactions included on the report:
. Specify a range of dates during which a contract must have started to be included on the report, or accept the default range to include transactions regardless of the contract start date.
Transaction Date or Fiscal Year/Period
If you selected Transaction Date in the Select Transactions By field, you specify the range of transaction dates for which to print the report.
If you selected Fiscal Year and Period in the Select Transactions By field, you specify the range of fiscal years and periods for which to print the report.
Use these fields to specify the range of dates or periods during which a transaction must have been processed to be included on the report.
Click Print.