Charges Report
The Charges report provides a record of charges that you have set up for use with time and materials projects and fixed price projects that use the billings and costs or accrual-basis accounting methods.
The report lists charge codes, along with the description, charge type, billing amount, and A/R item number and unit of measure for each charge.
If a charge is inactive, the report also shows the date on which the record was set Inactive.
Use the Charges report as a reference when you are setting up new contracts or entering charge transactions. You can also use the Charges report to determine whether you need to add or delete charge records.
To print the Charges report:
Choose the Charges icon from the PJC Setup Reports folder.
Select the range of charge codes you want to list on the report.
If you use optional fields, and want to include optional field information on the report, select the option Include Optional Fields.
Click Print.