Transaction Listing
A transaction listing provides a record of the transactions that you have added to your Project and Job Costing system, including posted transactions.
You can print transaction listings for material usage, material return, timecard, equipment usage, charge, adjustment, revise estimate, cost, and material allocation transactions.
When to print
You should print transaction listings after entering, importing, generating, editing, or posting transactions, then file them with your other audit trail records. If you select the Force Listing Of Transactions option on the PJC Options form, you must print transaction listings before you can post the transactions.
Before printing
If you want to keep a copy of the report for your audit trail, set the printing destination to Printer or File using the File menu on the company desktop.
To print a transaction listing:
Choose the Transaction Listing icon from the PJC Transaction Reports folder.
Specify report options using the following fields:
Reprint Previously Printed Transactions
Select this option if you want to print additional copies of listings you printed before.
Do not select the option if you want to print only the transaction listings you have not already printed from the specified range of transactions.
Specify the status of the transactions that you want to print. You must specify at least one of the following transaction statuses:
Ready for Approval
This option appears:
If you have a license to use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking.
Only for material usage and material return transactions.
Click Print.
You can also print transaction listings directly from any transaction entry form by clicking the Print Transaction Listing choice on the File menu.