What's New in Project and Job Costing 6.0
Project and Job Costing 6.0A includes the following new features and improvements:
In Product Update 1:
You can now create a new invoice batch in Accounts Receivable when you post a billing worksheet, even if there is an unposted job-related batch in Accounts Receivable. We've added a new setting to the PJC Options form to give you the option to always create a new Accounts Receivable batch whenever you post a billing worksheet.
In the 6.0A Release:
Project and Job Costing 6.0A (PJC) supports changes to Common Services' Fiscal Calendar.
Fiscal periods are now locked separately for each Sage ERP Accpac program, including Project and Job Costing. Although this change does not affect the way you enter transactions, you should note the following points:
The program checks the status of a fiscal period when you enter certain dates in Project and Job Costing transactions.
Locking a fiscal period for PJC does not normally prevent other Sage ERP Accpac programs from updating information in the Contract Maintenance form. For example, posting a job-related invoice in Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable updates the associated values for the contracts, projects, categories, and resources in PJC.
An exception to this rule can occur if you post material usage or material return transactions to a period that is later locked for PJC. If the period is locked before running Day End Processing, Day End Processing will not process these transactions, and will generate an error. To clear the error, you must unlock the period for PJC, and then run Day End Processing. (Material allocation transactions do not produce this error.)
Locking a fiscal period for Inventory Control does not prevent Day End Processing from creating transactions for, or from updating contracts in, PJC. However, if the period is locked for PJC, you might not be able to post the transactions in PJC.
You can create G/L batches for a fiscal period that is not locked for Project and Job Costing. However, if the period is locked for General Ledger when you try to post the G/L batch, the transactions will be placed in an error batch in General Ledger. If the option to create and automatically post G/L batches is selected on the G/L Integration form, the transactions will be placed in an error batch in General Ledger when you create the batch in Project and Job Costing.
You can create revenue recognition worksheets for a period that is unlocked for Project and Job Costing. However, if the period is locked for General Ledger, you cannot post the resulting batch in General Ledger. If the option to create and automatically post G/L batches is selected on the G/L Integration form, the transactions will be placed in an error batch in General Ledger when you post the worksheet.
You can create billing worksheets for a period that is unlocked for Project and Job Costing. However, if the period is locked for Accounts Receivable, you cannot post the resulting invoice batch in Accounts Receivable. Also, if the option to post A/R batches automatically is selected on the PJC Options form, the transactions will be placed in an A/R error batch when you post billing worksheets for periods that are locked for Accounts Receivable.
See also
Changes Introduced in Project and Job Costing 5.6
Changes Introduced in Project and Job Costing 5.5
Changes Introduced in Project and Job Costing 5.4