Worksheet Reports
From the Worksheets Report form you can print:
This report prints the same information you see on the Billing Worksheet form. Details are grouped by worksheet header and customer line.
This report prints the same information you see on the Revenue Recognition Worksheet form. For each worksheet, the report includes a header followed by the worksheet details.
You can choose the Worksheets icon, available in the PJC Transaction Reports folder, to print worksheets.
You can also print the current worksheet by clicking File > Print when you are using the Billing Worksheet form or the Revenue Recognition Worksheet form. The Worksheets form appears, with information for the current worksheet displayed as defaults.
To print the Worksheets report:
Choose the Worksheets icon from the PJC Transaction Reports folder to display the Worksheets form.
Specify Billing Worksheet or Revenue Recognition Worksheet, depending on the type of worksheet you want to print.
The remaining options you can select depend on the worksheet type you specify.
If you are printing the billing worksheets report:
Use the Worksheet Number From and To fields to specify a range of worksheets to print.
Use the Document Date From and To fields to print only worksheets that have document dates in the range you specify, or accept the dates displayed to print all the worksheets.
Select the following printing options for the report, as required:
Reprint Previously Printed Worksheets.
Print Details (to include billing details).
Print G/L Account Description. (This field appears only if you selected Print Details.)
Include Billing Optional Fields.
Include Billing Detail Optional Fields. (This field appears only if you selected Print Details.)
Include Comments. This field appears only if you selected Print Details.)
Include Tax Reporting Currency. (Select this option to include the tax reporting currency, rate type, rate date, and exchange rate.)
Select the statuses of the worksheets that you want to include in the report. (You can include Created and/or Posted worksheets.)
Specify the invoice type for the worksheets that you want to include in the report. (You can include worksheets for Item and/or Summary invoice types.)
If you are printing the revenue recognition worksheets report:
Use the Worksheet Number From and To fields to specify a range of worksheets to print.
Use the Worksheet Date From and To fields to print only worksheets that have worksheet dates in the range you specify, or accept the dates displayed to print all the worksheets.
Use the Contract From and To fields to specify a range of contracts to include on the report.
Use the Project From and To fields to specify the range of projects to include on the report.
Select the following printing options for the report, as required:
Print G/L Details (to include details for G/L entries).
Print G/L Account Description. (This field appears only if you selected Print G/L Details.)
Include Optional Fields
Select the statuses of the worksheets that you want to include in the report. (You can include Created and/or Posted worksheets.)
If you have a multicurrency system and you are printing details, you also specify the currency for the amounts that appear on the report.
From the Print Amounts In list, select Customer Currency, Functional Currency, or Both Customer And Functional Currency.
Click Print.