Profit Analysis Report
The Profit Analysis report helps you to quickly determine the profitability of selected contracts and projects.
You can print the report either for contracts or for contracts and projects. You can restrict the report to contracts or projects that have a certain status. You can also choose to print the report in customer currency or in functional currency.
If you print the Profit Analysis report in customer currency, all the projects for a contract are grouped and subtotaled by currency.
The report compares estimated and actual revenue, costs, and gross profit. It also shows the current actual gross profit margin.
To print the Profit Analysis report:
Choose Profit Analysis from the PJC Analytical Reports folder.
Select the following report options:
Specify whether to print the report for contracts alone, or for contracts and their projects.
Use these fields to specify the range of contracts to include on the report. Skip the fields (leaving a blank in the first field and Zs in the To field) to include all contracts.
Use these fields to specify the range of projects to include on the report. Skip the fields (leaving a blank in the first field and Zs in the To field) to include all projects for the specified range of contracts.
Specify a range of dates during which a contract must have started to be included on the report. Skip the fields (leaving a blank in the first field blank and the session date in the To field) to include contracts regardless of their start dates.
Specify a range of dates during which a project must have started to be included on the report. Skip the fields (leaving a blank in the first field blank and the session date in the To field) to include contracts regardless of their start dates.
To restrict the report to contracts having a certain status, specify the status.
To restrict the report to projects having a certain status, specify the status.
If you have a multicurrency system, select whether to print the report in customer currency or in functional currency.
Click Print.