Check Register — Features
The Check Register report lists details of checks that are produced and posted to vendor accounts during a check run. The Register can also list the general ledger distributions that result. Checks that are used for alignment or leading, as well as checks that are voided before posting, are not included on this report because they do not result in the creation of general ledger distributions or changes to vendor account balances. These checks are listed on the Check Status report in Bank Services.
For instructions on printing the report, see Check Register — Printing.
Information printed on the report
The report lists the checks issued to vendors, in vendor number order. Miscellaneous payments are listed first. Information includes:
- Sequence numbers that count the number of checks that will be printed for the batch. (These numbers are not posting sequence numbers or check numbers.)
- The type of payment (PI for prepayments; PY for payments).
- The number of the document paid by the check, followed by the payment schedule number. The payment schedule number is always 1 unless the document has a multiple payment schedule.
- Discounts taken or adjustments made at the time the payment was entered. You can make adjustments during payment entry only if you select the Allow Adjustments In Payment Batch option in the Options form.
- Any miscellaneous payments. Miscellaneous payments, which are not assigned to vendor records, are listed under "MISC," with the name (or other information) you entered in the Remit-To field in the Payment Entry form.
- Entries that were edited after they were added are marked with an asterisk.