Recurring Payables Setup — Detail Accounts/Taxes Field List
(of distribution detail)
For each detail you add, enter the amount of the detail in the Amount field, or edit the existing detail amount, if necessary.
The portion of the document total you distribute to details depends on whether tax is included in the price.
Accounts Payable lets you enter a comment with each recurring payable detail.
For example, you might include a comment indicating that the invoice discount does not apply to a particular detail.
You use this option to specify whether a selected detail is subject to the invoice discount. For example, if you do not give discounts on freight charges, you can exempt a freight detail from the invoice discount.
To indicate that a detail is not discountable, you simply clear the Discountable option for the detail on the Detail Accounts/Taxes form, or select No for the option on the detail-entry grid.
If you chose Distribution Code for the Create Details By option for the recurring payable, you can accept the code displayed, enter a different distribution code, or leave the field blank, then enter the general ledger account number.
A distribution code is displayed if the vendor record is set up to distribute by distribution code, or if you use the Create Dist. button to create distributions from a distribution set.
Type a description for the distribution line. The default description is from the distribution code record.
This field displays the tax class from the vendor record as the default.
You can change the tax class for a detail by double-clicking the field and then entering the new tax class, or you can use the Finder to select the new tax class.
Enter, accept or change the displayed general ledger account number, as needed.
For recurring payables that are not job-related, Accounts Payable displays the account number for the distribution codes you specify, or you can enter the general ledger account codes directly. You can also change the distribution line account number on the grid on the Detail tab.
For job-related documents, Accounts Payable displays accounts associated with the project or category in Project and Job Costing.
For most projects, the program displays the Work In Progress account for the specified category. For projects using accrual-basis as the accounting method, however, the program displays the Cost Of Sales account.
You can change the account only for:
- Any time and materials project.
- Projects that use the accrual-basis accounting method.
If you selected Enter as the tax amount entry method on the Tax/Totals tab, you can enter the amount of each tax that is listed for the recurring payable detail.
Note that the sum of the detail taxes must equal the total tax you enter for each tax authority on the Tax/Totals tab. If you selected Calculate or Distribute as the tax entry method, however, Accounts Payable allocates the detail taxes for you.
If a tax does not appear on the tab, you likely selected the wrong tax group for the document.
The tax authorities that appear depend on the tax group specified on the Tax/Totals tab.
Tax authorities are the taxing bodies, such as federal, state, county, provincial, or municipal governments, that levy taxes in the areas where your company buys products.
If your business has a head office and branch offices, different taxes may apply in the different geographical locations.
This is the amount (before included taxes) used as the base for calculating tax for the tax authority. You can change the tax base if you selected Enter as the tax entry method for the document (on the Tax Totals tab).
If you selected Calculate or Distribute as the tax entry method, you cannot change the tax base for a detail.
Select Yes if taxes charged by the authority are included in the prices on the detail you are entering. The default setting comes from the vendor record.
You can override this setting for single distribution lines on the Detail Accounts/Taxes form.
If you selected Enter as the tax entry method, this field displays the sum of the tax amounts you entered for the selected detail.
If you selected Calculate or Distribute as the tax entry method, this field shows the tax amount calculated by Accounts Payable for the selected detail.