Use this method to export the current document as PDF, XPS, PostScript, HTML, DOCX or SWF.
To export as XPS, PostScript, DOCX or HTML you need to specify a file path with an appropriate extension - ".xps", ".ps", ".docx", ".htm", ".html" or ".swf". If the file extension is unrecognized then the default PDF format will be used.
When saving to a Stream the format can be indicated using a Doc.SaveOptions.FileExtension property such as ".htm" or ".xps". For HTML you must provide a sensible value for the Doc.SaveOptions.Folder property. For XPS streams must be both readable and writable -
FileAccess.ReadWrite and not simply FileAccess.Write.
ABCpdf operates an intelligent just-in-time object loading scheme
which ensures that only those objects that are required are loaded
into memory. This means that if you are modifying large documents
then server load will be kept to a minimum. The original PDF
document must be available for as long as the Doc object is being used.
As a result you cannot modify or overwrite a PDF file while it is
read into a Doc object. You will need
to save your PDF to another location and then swap the two files
around after the Doc object's use of
the PDF is ended (with a call to Clear,
Dispose, or Read with another PDF file).
If you need to obtain a PDF as raw data you can use the GetData function.
The Refactor setting determines whether new/modified redundant objects are
eliminated when the document is saved. You can use SetInfo to change the setting.
Versions. ABCpdf automatically determines the
version depending on the features you use. If you use features
from only the 1.1 specification it will write a 1.1 PDF. If
you use 1.3 features it will write a 1.3 PDF. If you use 1.4
features it will write a 1.4 PDF. Ditto 1.5 and 1.6.
If you're using a PDF template or drawing from another PDF
the final output will be the minimum version used in these
templates. In many real world applications this will be the
factor which determines the version in the final output
produced by ABCpdf.
There is no advantage in producing a 1.6 document if youThere is no advantage in producing a 1.6 document if you're
not using features from the 1.6 feature set. To do this will
simply stop users of older versions of Acrobat from accessing
a document which should be available to
When saving to SWF, if the Doc.SaveOptions.Template is null, the current page is exported with Rect as the bounds of the Flash
movie using Doc.SaveOptions.TemplateData.MeasureDpiX and Doc.SaveOptions.TemplateData.MeasureDpiY if specified. Otherwise, Doc.SaveOptions.Template specifies the path to a SWF file. The saved SWF file starts with the
template SWF files, and a frame is added for each page in the
document. The script added is in ActionScript 2. If the template's
version is Flash Player 7 or lower, the saved file's version will be
Flash Player 8. For information on the interaction between the added
frames and the script from the template, please refer to the example
Flash file. Images are output in JPEG if (1) they are in DeviceGray or
DeviceRGB and already in JPEG (without any other compression on
top), or (2) they are not in the indexed color space and both the
width and the height are at least 8 pixels. For (1), the original JPEG
data is used so you can control the quality by pre-compressing the
images; for (2), the output will use 80% quality.