Landscape Example

ABCpdf .net


This example shows how to create a PDF document rotated by 90 degrees for a landscape rather than portrait view.



We start by creating a PDF document. We use two transforms to apply a generic 90 degree rotation around the center of the document and rotate the drawing rectangle by the same amount. After applying our rotation we add some text to the page.

Doc theDoc = new Doc();
// apply a rotation transform
double w = theDoc.MediaBox.Width;
double h = theDoc.MediaBox.Height;
double l = theDoc.MediaBox.Left;
double b = theDoc.MediaBox.Bottom;
theDoc.Transform.Rotate(90, l, b);
theDoc.Transform.Translate(w, 0);

// rotate our rectangle
theDoc.Rect.Width = h;
theDoc.Rect.Height = w;

// add some text
theDoc.Rect.Inset(50, 50);
theDoc.FontSize = 96;
theDoc.AddText("Landscape Orientation");

[Visual Basic]
Dim theDoc As Doc = New Doc()
' apply a rotation transform
Dim w As Double = theDoc.MediaBox.Width
Dim h As Double = theDoc.MediaBox.Height
Dim l As Double = theDoc.MediaBox.Left
Dim b As Double = theDoc.MediaBox.Bottom
theDoc.Transform.Rotate(90, l, b)
theDoc.Transform.Translate(w, 0)

' rotate our rectangle
theDoc.Rect.Width = h
theDoc.Rect.Height = w

' add some text
theDoc.Rect.Inset(50, 50)
theDoc.FontSize = 96
theDoc.AddText("Landscape Orientation")




Drawing the text rotated does not rotate the page itself. To change the default orientation of the document we need to apply a rotation to the root page object. By doing this we ensure that every page in the document is viewed rotated.

// adjust the default rotation and save
int theID = theDoc.GetInfoInt(theDoc.Root, "Pages");
theDoc.SetInfo(theID, "/Rotate", "90");

[Visual Basic]
' adjust the default rotation and save
Dim theID As Integer = theDoc.GetInfoInt(theDoc.Root,"Pages")
theDoc.SetInfo(theID, "/Rotate", "90")



