Here we recolor one page out of a document. We pick up the ProcessingObject
events so that we can store the source color space for all the
PixMap objects which are processed. We don't want to convert CMYK
pixmaps so we set the Cancel property to true if we find these.
We then pick up the ProcessedObject
events so that we can recompress the PixMap objects after they have
been recolored. We vary the recompression method used dependent on
the source color space and the size of the image.
Here we use standard delegates for backwards compatibility with
.NET 1.1 code. However .NET 2.0 anonymous delegates will provide a
more compact solution.
Doc theDoc = new
Doc(); theDoc.Read(Server.MapPath("../mypics/sample.pdf")); MyOp.Recolor(theDoc,
(Page)theDoc.ObjectSoup[theDoc.Page]); theDoc.Save(Server.MapPath("RecolorOperation.pdf")); theDoc.Clear();
class MyOp{ public static void Recolor(Doc doc, Page
page) { RecolorOperation op = new
RecolorOperation(); op.DestinationColorSpace
= new ColorSpace(doc.ObjectSoup,
ColorSpaceType.DeviceGray); op.ConvertAnnotations
= false; op.ProcessingObject +=
Recoloring; op.ProcessedObject +=
Recolored; op.Recolor(page); }
static void Recoloring(object sender, ProcessingObjectEventArgs e)
{ PixMap pm = e.Object as
PixMap; if (pm != null)
{ ColorSpaceType cs =
pm.ColorSpaceType; if (cs ==
ColorSpaceType.DeviceCMYK) e.Cancel
= true; e.Tag =
cs; } }
static void Recolored(object sender, ProcessedObjectEventArgs e)
{ if (e.Successful)
{ PixMap pm = e.Object as
PixMap; if (pm != null)
{ ColorSpaceType
cs =
(ColorSpaceType)e.Tag; if
(pm.Width >
1000) pm.CompressJpx(30); else
if (cs ==
ColorSpaceType.DeviceRGB) pm.CompressJpeg(30); else pm.Compress();
Flate } } } }
Dim theDoc As Doc = New
Doc() theDoc.Read(Server.MapPath("../mypics/sample.pdf")) MyOp.Recolor(theDoc,
Page)) theDoc.Save(Server.MapPath("RecolorOperation.pdf")) theDoc.Clear()
Class MyOp Public Shared Sub Recolor(doc As Doc, page
As Page) Dim op As New
RecolorOperation() op.DestinationColorSpace
= New ColorSpace(doc.ObjectSoup,
ColorSpaceType.DeviceGray) op.ConvertAnnotations
= False AddHandler op.ProcessingObject,
AddressOf Recoloring AddHandler
op.ProcessedObject, AddressOf
Recolored op.Recolor(page) End
Sub 'Recolor
Public Shared Sub Recoloring(sender
As Object, e As
ProcessingObjectEventArgs) Dim pm As
PixMap = TryCast(e.Object, PixMap) If pm
IsNot Nothing Then Dim cs As
ColorSpaceType =
pm.ColorSpaceType If cs =
Then e.Cancel =
True End
If e.Tag =
cs End If End Sub
Public Shared Sub Recolored(sender As
Object, e As ProcessedObjectEventArgs) If
e.Successful Then Dim pm As
PixMap = TryCast(e.Object,
PixMap) If pm IsNot Nothing
Then Dim cs As
ColorSpaceType = CType(e.Tag,
ColorSpaceType) If
pm.Width > 1000
Then pm.CompressJpx(30) Else If
cs = ColorSpaceType.DeviceRGB
Then pm.CompressJpeg(30) Else pm.Compress()
Flate End
If End
If End
If End If End Sub
'Recolored End Class 'MyOp