XRect Contains Function. Determine if this rectangle contains a specified point or rectangle. ABCpdf .NET PDF Library.

ABCpdf .net


Determine if this rectangle contains a specified point or rectangle.



bool Contains(XPoint point)
bool Contains(PointF point)
bool Contains(Point point)
bool Contains(float x, float y)
bool Contains(double x, double y)
bool Contains(XRect rect)

[Visual Basic]
Function Contains(point As XPoint) As Boolean
Function Contains(point As PointF) As Boolean
Function Contains(point As Point) As Boolean
Function Contains(x As Float, y as Float) As Boolean
Function Contains(x As Double, y as Double) As Boolean
Function Contains(rect As XRect) As Boolean



Name Description
rect The rectangle to test.
point The point to test.
x The x coordinate of a point to test.
y The y coordinate of a point to test.
return Whether the provided object is contained by this one.




Determine if this rectangle contains a specified point or rectangle.

In the case of rectangles, all four corners must be contained for the function to return true.

If a null point or rectangle is passed this function will return false.



