ObjectSoup Remove Function. Removes an object from the Soup. ABCpdf .NET PDF Library.

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Removes an object from the Soup.



bool Remove(IndirectObject value)

[Visual Basic]
Function Remove(value As IndirectObject) As Boolean



Name Description
value The IndirectObject to be removed.
return True if the IndirectObject is removed, otherwise false.




When an object is removed it leaves a gap in the Soup. Other objects do not move to fill the gap.

RefAtoms pointing to the object which was removed are not updated. This means you can remove one object and replace it with a substitute. Other IndirectObjects in the Soup will then refer to the new object rather than the old one.

However it also means that you should be careful about removing an object and not replacing it. Because the slot is free it may be re-used and any references which exist may then point to a new - inappropriate - object.



