eForm FDF Example

ABCpdf .net


This example shows how to extract Unicode annotation values from an eForm FDF file.



First we create an ABCpdf Doc object and read in our FDF file.

Doc theFDF = new Doc();

[Visual Basic]
Dim theFDF As Doc = New Doc()




We find out how many items there are in the FDF file and prepare to iterate through them.

string theValues = "";
int theLastID = Convert.ToInt32(theFDF.GetInfo(0, "Count"));

[Visual Basic]
Dim theValues As String = ""
Dim theLastID As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(theFDF.GetInfo(0, "Count"))




We go through each item. We check to see if it is an annotation. If it is we check to see if the annotation type is text. If we have found a text annotation we extract the content and add the value to our list.

// extract annotation values (for insertion into PDF)
for (int i = 0; i <= theLastID; i++) {
  string theType = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "Type");
  if (theType == "anno") {
    if (theFDF.GetInfo(i, "SubType") == "Text") {
      string theCont;
      theCont = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "Contents");
      theValues = theValues + theCont + "\r\n\r\n";
// extract field values (for demonstration purposes)
for (int i = 0; i <= theLastID; i++) {
  int theN = theFDF.GetInfoInt(i, "/FDF*/Fields*:Count");
  for (int j = 0; j < theN; j++) {
    string theName = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "/FDF*/Fields*[" + j + "]*/T:Text");
    string theValue = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "/FDF*/Fields*[" + j + "]*/V:Text");
    // here we would do something with the field value we've found

[Visual Basic]
For i As Integer = 0 To theLastID
  Dim theType As String
  theType = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "Type")
  If theType = "anno" Then
    If theFDF.GetInfo(i, "SubType") = "Text" Then
      Dim theCont As String
      theCont = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "Contents")
      theValues = theValues + theCont + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
    End If
  End If
' extract field values (for demonstration purposes)
For i As Integer = 0 To theLastID
  Dim theN As Integer
  theN = theFDF.GetInfoInt(i, "/FDF*/Fields*:Count")
  Dim j As Integer
  For j = 0 To [theN] - 1
    Dim theName As String = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "/FDF*/Fields*[" + j + "]*/T:Text")
    Dim theValue As String = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "/FDF*/Fields*[" + j + "]*/V:Text")
    ' here we would do something with the field value we've found
  Next j
Next i




Finally we add the Unicode text to a new document and save it.

Doc theDoc = new Doc();
theDoc.Font = theDoc.EmbedFont("Arial", LanguageType.Unicode, false, true);
theDoc.FontSize = 96;
theDoc.Rect.Inset(10, 10);

[Visual Basic]
Dim theDoc As Doc = New Doc()
theDoc.Font = theDoc.EmbedFont("Arial", LanguageType.Unicode, False, True)
theDoc.FontSize = 96
theDoc.Rect.Inset(10, 10)




This is the kind of PDF you might expect to produce.
