We go through each item. We check to see if it is an annotation.
If it is we check to see if the annotation type is text. If we have
found a text annotation we extract the content and add the value
to our list.
// extract annotation values (for insertion into PDF)
for (int i = 0; i <= theLastID; i++) {
string theType = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "Type");
if (theType == "anno") {
if (theFDF.GetInfo(i, "SubType")
== "Text") {
string theCont;
theCont = theFDF.GetInfo(i,
theValues = theValues + theCont
+ "\r\n\r\n";
// extract field values (for demonstration purposes)
for (int i = 0; i <= theLastID; i++) {
int theN = theFDF.GetInfoInt(i, "/FDF*/Fields*:Count");
for (int j = 0; j < theN; j++) {
string theName = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "/FDF*/Fields*["
+ j + "]*/T:Text");
string theValue = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "/FDF*/Fields*["
+ j + "]*/V:Text");
// here we would do something with the field
value we've found
[Visual Basic]
For i As Integer = 0 To theLastID
Dim theType As String
theType = theFDF.GetInfo(i, "Type")
If theType = "anno" Then
If theFDF.GetInfo(i, "SubType")
= "Text" Then
Dim theCont As String
theCont = theFDF.GetInfo(i,
theValues = theValues + theCont
+ vbCrLf + vbCrLf
End If
End If
' extract field values (for demonstration purposes)
For i As Integer = 0 To theLastID
Dim theN As Integer
theN = theFDF.GetInfoInt(i, "/FDF*/Fields*:Count")
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To [theN] - 1
Dim theName As String = theFDF.GetInfo(i,
"/FDF*/Fields*[" + j + "]*/T:Text")
Dim theValue As String = theFDF.GetInfo(i,
"/FDF*/Fields*[" + j + "]*/V:Text")
' here we would do something with the field
value we've found
Next j
Next i