The ColorSpace for this
Note that referencing this property may result in the creation
of a color space if one does not already exist. So you should avoid
querying this property while iterating through the ObjectSoup.
If you do so and an object is created then it will invalidate the
enumerator and cause an exception to be raised.
Not all PixMaps have color spaces. For example image masks do not
and must not contain a color space atom; they are implicitly one
bit grayscale. In this case the ColorSpace property will be null.
In most cases properties which you might like to reference via
the ColorSpace can be referenced directly via the PixMap. This is
a less intrusive way of obtaining the same information.
Querying the value of this property will never raise an exception.
Assigning a value to this property changes the color space without
changing the raw pixel values of the image. You might wish to do
this if you wanted to convert - say - a DeviceRGB to a CalRGB color
space or a DeviceGray to a Separation color space.
The number of components in the two color spaces should be the
same. If they are not then an exception will be thrown.
If you wish to convert the image pixel values from one color space
to another then you need to use the Recolor