Table of contents
- Introduction
- What is ABCpdf?
- Who is this document for?
- What do I need to use it?
- How does it work?
- What's Cool?
- What's New?
- Acknowledgements
- Legal Requirements
- Getting Started
- .NET Essentials
- Simple Example
- Coordinate Spaces
- Examples
- Upgrading
- Concepts
- Object Paths
- XML to PDF
- Manual Installation
- Fonts and Languages
- Fields and Forms
- Image Handling
- HTML Styled Text
- Other Coordinate Spaces
- Registry Keys
- Troubleshooting
- Corrupt Documents
- HTML / CSS Rendering
- SVG to PDF Import
- PDF to SVG Export
- Examples
- Common Tasks
- Text Flow Example
- Text Flow Round Image Example
- Multistyle Example
- Image Example
- Deletion Example
- Headers and Footers Example
- Landscape Example
- Small Table Example
- Large Table Example
- Unicode Example
- Paged HTML Example
- Doc Properties Example
- eForm Fields Example
- eForm Placeholder Example
- eForm Stamp Example
- eForm FDF Example
- Advanced Graphics Example
- Fields, Markup and Movies Example
- PDF Rendering Example
- System.Drawing Example
- WPF Tables Example
- ABCpdf10
- Doc
- Methods
- AddArc
- AddBookmark
- AddColorSpaceFile
- AddColorSpaceSpot
- AddFont
- AddGrid
- AddHtml
- AddImage
- AddImageBitmap
- AddImageCopy
- AddImageData
- AddImageDoc
- AddImageFile
- AddImageHtml
- AddImageObject
- AddImageToChain
- AddImageUrl
- AddLine
- AddObject
- AddOval
- AddPage
- AddPie
- AddPoly
- AddRect
- AddText
- AddXObject
- Append
- Chainable
- Clear
- ClearCachedDecompressedStreams
- Delete
- EmbedFont
- FillRect
- FitHtml
- FitText
- Flatten
- FrameRect
- GetData
- GetInfo
- GetInfoDate
- GetInfoDouble
- GetInfoInt
- GetInfoInt64
- GetStream
- GetText
- MeasureText
- Read
- RemapPages
- Save
- SetInfo
- ToString
- Properties
- Bookmark
- Color
- ColorSpace
- CropBox
- Encryption
- Font
- FontSize
- Form
- HtmlOptions
- Layer
- LayerCount
- MediaBox
- ObjectSoup
- Options
- Page
- PageCount
- PageNumber
- Pos
- Rect
- Rendering
- Root
- SaveOptions
- String
- TextStyle
- TopDown
- Transform
- Units
- Width
- XColor
- Methods
- FromGray
- FromRgb
- FromCmyk
- FromComponents
- FromArrayAtom
- FromOperator
- SetColor
- SetGray
- SetRgb
- Equals
- GetHashCode
- SetCmyk
- SetComponents
- SetRandom
- ToArrayAtom
- ToString
- Properties
- Alpha
- Black
- Blue
- Color
- ColorSpace
- Components
- Cyan
- Gray
- Green
- Magenta
- Name
- Red
- String
- Yellow
- XEncryption
- Methods
- SetCryptMethods
- ToString
- Properties
- CanAssemble
- CanChange
- CanCopy
- CanEdit
- CanExtract
- CanFillForms
- CanPrint
- CanPrintHi
- EncryptMetadata
- OwnerPassword
- Password
- StreamCryptionMethod
- String
- StringCryptionMethod
- Type
- XFont
- Methods
- FindAll
- FindFamily
- FindFamilyNames
- FindByName
- FindByStyle
- TextWidth
- Unload
- Properties
- FamilyName
- FixedPitch
- Italic
- Name
- Names
- PostScriptName
- Script
- Serif
- Weight
- Baseline
- Widths
- XForm
- Methods
- GetFieldNames
- MakeFieldsUnique
- AddResource
- Item
- Refresh
- Stamp
- Properties
- DateTimeFormat
- Fields
- FormatFields
- GenerateAppearances
- NeedAppearances
- XHtmlOptions
- Methods
- EndTasks
- GetHttpStatusCode
- GetScriptReturn
- GetTagIDs
- GetTagRects
- GetTagUntransformedRects
- LinkDestinations
- LinkPages
- PageCacheClear
- PageCachePurge
- SetTheme
- Properties
- Engine
- ForMSHtml
- ForGecko
- AddForms
- AddLinks
- AddMovies
- AddTags
- AdjustLayout
- AutoTruncate
- BreakMethod
- BreakZoneSize
- BrowserWidth
- CoerceVector
- ContentCount
- DeactivateWebBrowser
- DisableVectorCoercion
- DoMarkup
- FontEmbed
- FontProtection
- FontSubset
- FontSubstitute
- HideBackground
- HostWebBrowser
- HtmlCallback
- HtmlEmbedCallback
- HttpAdditionalHeaders
- ImageQuality
- ImprovePageBreakAvoid
- ImprovePageBreakInTable
- InitialWidth
- LogonName
- LogonPassword
- MakeFieldNamesUnique
- MaxAtomicImageSize
- Media
- NoCookie
- NoDefaultBackground
- NoSnapRounding
- NoTheme
- OnLoadScript
- PageCacheEnabled
- PageCacheExpiry
- PageCacheSize
- Paged
- PageLoadMethod
- ProcessOptions
- ReloadPage
- RequestMethod
- RetryCount
- TargetLinks
- Timeout
- TransferModule
- UseActiveX
- UseJava
- UseNoCache
- UseResync
- UseScript
- UseTheme
- UseVideo
- XHtmlProcessOptions
- XImage
- Methods
- FromFile
- FromData
- FromStream
- Dispose
- Clear
- SetData
- SetFile
- SetMask
- SetStream
- Properties
- BoundingBox
- Frame
- FrameCount
- FrameRate
- HasRealRes
- Height
- HRes
- Indirect
- NeedsFile
- NeedsStream
- Selection
- Type
- VRes
- Width
- XPoint
- Methods
- XPoint
- Copy
- Equals
- GetHashCode
- SetPoint
- ToString
- Properties
- Point
- String
- X
- Y
- XReadOptions
- Methods
- XReadOptions
- ClearCache
- Dispose
- Equals
- GetHashCode
- Properties
- ReadModule
- AddForms
- Bookmarks
- ContentItem
- DefaultFont
- DefaultRect
- DotsPerInch
- EnableMSOfficeMacros
- ErrorHandling
- ExtraChecks
- Frame
- FileExtension
- Log
- MakeFieldNamesUnique
- OpenOfficeParameters
- Operation
- Password
- PreserveTransparency
- Timeout
- SkipRevisions
- OpenPortfolios
- XRect
- Methods
- FromLbwh
- FromLtwh
- FromSides
- FromPoints
- XRect
- Contains
- FitIn
- GetCorners
- Inset
- Intersect
- IntersectsWith
- Magnify
- Move
- Position
- Resize
- Union
- SetRect
- SetSides
- ToString
- Equals
- GetHashCode
- Properties
- Bottom
- Height
- Left
- Pin
- Rectangle
- Right
- String
- Top
- Width
- HasArea
- XRendering
- Methods
- GetBitmap
- GetData
- Save
- Properties
- AntiAliasImages
- AntiAliasPolygons
- AntiAliasScene
- AntiAliasText
- AutoRotate
- BitsPerChannel
- ColorSpace
- DefaultHalftone
- DotsPerInch
- DotsPerInchX
- DotsPerInchY
- DrawAnnotations
- IccCmyk
- IccGray
- IccOutput
- IccRgb
- Log
- Metadata
- MininumLineWidth
- NamedSeparation
- NumTiffStrips
- Overprint
- PaletteSize
- ResizeImages
- SaveAlpha
- SaveAppend
- SaveCompression
- SaveQuality
- UseEmbeddedHalftone
- XSaveOptions
- Properties
- CompressObjects
- EmbeddedGraphics
- FileExtension
- Folder
- FontSubstitution
- IDConstant
- IDHexadecimal
- IDUpdate
- Incremental
- Linearize
- Remap
- SaveQuality
- Template
- TemplateData
- WritePageSeparator
- XSaveTemplateData
- Methods
- SetMeasureResolution
- Properties
- ImageDisplaySmoothing
- JpegQuality
- MeasureDpiX
- MeasureDpiY
- ReencodeJpeg
- XSettings
- Methods
- InstallLicense
- InstallRedistributionLicense
- InstallSystemLicense
- InstallTrialLicense
- Register
- SetConfigSection
- Properties
- Key
- LicenseDescription
- Licensee
- LicenseType
- LicenseValid
- LogErrors
- Version
- XTextStyle
- Methods
- ToString
- Properties
- Ascender
- Bold
- CharSpacing
- CharUsage
- Direction
- Font
- HPos
- Indent
- Italic
- Justification
- Kerning
- LeftMargin
- LineSpacing
- Outline
- ParaSpacing
- PreserveSpace
- Size
- Strike
- Strike2
- String
- Underline
- VPos
- WordSpacing
- XTransform
- Methods
- XTransform
- Invert
- Equals
- Magnify
- PreMultiply
- PostMultiply
- Reset
- Rotate
- Skew
- SetTransform
- ToString
- TransformPoint
- TransformPoints
- Translate
- GetHashCode
- Properties
- String
- AngleUnit
- Elements
- Matrix
- MediaMatrix
- OffsetX
- OffsetY
- ABCpdf10.Objects
- IndirectObject
- Methods
- FromString
- IndirectObject
- Dispose
- Clone
- Equals
- GetHashCode
- Resolve
- ResolveRef
- ResolveObj
- ToString
- Transcode
- Properties
- ID
- Gen
- Atom
- Version
- Revision
- Alive
- Doc
- Soup
- AdbeExtLevel
- ObjectSoup
- Methods
- Dispose
- CopyTo
- Add
- Clear
- Contains
- IndexOf
- Insert
- Remove
- RemoveAt
- GetEnumerator
- Properties
- Count
- Item
- Catalog
- Trailer
- Revisions
- ObjectSoupSubset
- Methods
- ObjectSoupSubset
- CopyTo
- AddFamily
- AddOnlyOne
- Properties
- Objects
- RemapIDs
- RemapTypes
- Annotation
- Methods
- Focus
- GetFieldOptions
- Stamp
- UpdateAppearance
- Properties
- Border
- Contents
- FieldBackgroundColor
- FieldBorderColor
- FieldRotation
- FieldType
- FieldValue
- Flags
- FullName
- Page
- Rect
- SubType
- TextDirection
- Bookmark
- Methods
- CopyTo
- Add
- Clear
- Contains
- IndexOf
- Insert
- Remove
- RemoveAt
- GetEnumerator
- Adopt
- Refresh
- Properties
- Count
- Item
- Open
- Page
- PageID
- Parent
- Title
- Catalog
- Methods
- AnalyzeContent
- GetEmbeddedFiles
- GetFieldNames
- GetFields
- GetFonts
- Properties
- Outline
- Pages
- ColorSpace
- Methods
- ColorSpace
- Properties
- ColorSpaceType
- Components
- IccProfile
- BaseColorSpaceType
- Name
- Gamma
- BlackPoint
- WhitePoint
- EmbeddedFile
- Methods
- EmbeddedFile
- UpdateMetadata
- Properties
- Checksum
- CreationDate
- MacCreator
- MacResFork
- MacType
- ModificationDate
- Size
- Subtype
- Field
- Methods
- Focus
- GetAnnotations
- GetKids
- SetFont
- Stamp
- UpdateAppearance
- Properties
- DefaultAppearance
- FieldType
- Flags
- Format
- Kids
- MultiSelect
- Name
- Options
- Page
- PageID
- Parent
- PartialName
- Rect
- TextAlignment
- TextColor
- TextFont
- TextSize
- Value
- Fields
- Methods
- CopyTo
- Add
- Clear
- Contains
- IndexOf
- Insert
- Remove
- RemoveAt
- GetEnumerator
- Properties
- Count
- Item
- FileSpecification
- Methods
- FileSpecification
- GetPath
- Rationalize
- SetPath
- Properties
- Description
- EmbeddedFile
- EmbeddedFiles
- Platform
- Uri
- Volatile
- FontObject
- Methods
- GetEncoding
- EmbedFont
- EncodeText
- RegenerateToUnicode
- Subset
- UnembedSimpleFont
- Properties
- BaseFont
- EmbeddedFont
- IsComposite
- IsIdentity
- IsSubset
- IsVertical
- WritingMode
- Widths
- CharToEncoding
- CheckGlyphs
- EncodingToChar
- EncodingToString
- Flags
- FontAscender
- FontAscent
- FontBBox
- FontDescender
- FontDescent
- FontLineGap
- FontLineSpacing
- FormXObject
- Methods
- AddResource
- GetResourceMap
- Properties
- BBox
- Matrix
- GraphicLayer
- GraphicsState
- IccProfile
- Methods
- IccProfile
- SetData
- UpdateProfile
- Properties
- AlternateColorSpaceType
- ImageLayer
- Properties
- ImageName
- PixMap
- Layer
- Properties
- BaseRect
- Page
- Rect
- Transform
- Outline
- Page
- Methods
- DeInline
- Detach
- Flatten
- GetAnnotations
- GetLayers
- GetNamedSeparations
- GetResourcesByType
- GetResourceMap
- GetText
- Recolor
- VectorizeText
- AddLayer
- AddResource
- GetBitmap
- MakeFormXObject
- StampFormXObjects
- Properties
- ArtBox
- BleedBox
- CropBox
- MediaBox
- PageNumber
- Parent
- Rotation
- Thumbnail
- TrimBox
- Pages
- Methods
- GetPage
- GetPageArray
- GetPageArrayAll
- Recolor
- Properties
- Count
- Parent
- PixMap
- Methods
- FromXImage
- CompressCcitt
- CompressJbig2
- CompressJpeg
- CompressJpx
- Decompress
- Flip
- GetBitmap
- Realize
- Recolor
- Resample
- Resize
- Rotate
- Save
- SetAlpha
- SetBitmap
- SetChromakey
- ToGrayscale
- Properties
- AutoFix
- BitsPerComponent
- ColorSpace
- ColorSpaceType
- Components
- Height
- ImageMask
- Mask
- Matte
- SMask
- Width
- Signature
- Methods
- Commit
- GetCertificates
- Sign
- Validate
- Properties
- IsModified
- IsSecure
- IsTrusted
- IsTimeValid
- Location
- Reason
- Signer
- SigningUtcTime
- TimestampServiceUrl
- ValidationPolicy
- StreamObject
- Methods
- StreamObject
- ClearData
- ClearCachedDecompressed
- Compress
- CompressAscii85
- CompressAsciiHex
- CompressFlate
- CompressRunLength
- Decompress
- GetData
- GetText
- SetData
- SetFile
- SetText
- Properties
- Compressed
- Compression
- Compressions
- Length
- TextLayer
- Methods
- ClearTextOperation
- Properties
- Characters
- EndPos
- Lines
- Previous
- Truncated
- FullText
- TextStart
- TextEnd
- TextEnd
- TextFragments
- TextOperation
- ViewLayer
- Properties
- ContentHeight
- ContentWidth
- PageHeight
- PageOffset
- PageWidth
- ScrollHeight
- ScrollWidth
- Truncated
- ABCpdf10.Atoms
- Atom
- Methods
- FromString
- GetBool
- GetDouble
- GetID
- GetInt
- GetItem
- GetName
- GetText
- RemoveItem
- SetItem
- GetData
- Clone
- Dispose
- Equals
- GetHashCode
- ToString
- ArrayAtom
- Methods
- FromXRect
- FromXTransform
- FromContentStream
- ArrayAtom
- CopyTo
- Add
- Clear
- Contains
- IndexOf
- Insert
- Remove
- RemoveAt
- AddRange
- Equals
- GetEnumerator
- GetRange
- InsertRange
- RemoveRange
- Properties
- Count
- Item
- BoolAtom
- Methods
- BoolAtom
- Equals
- Properties
- Truth
- DictAtom
- Methods
- DictAtom
- CopyTo
- Add
- Clear
- Contains
- Remove
- GetKeys
- GetValues
- GetEnumerator
- Equals
- Properties
- Count
- Item
- Keys
- Values
- NameAtom
- Methods
- Equals
- NameAtom
- Properties
- Text
- NullAtom
- Methods
- Equals
- NullAtom
- NumAtom
- Methods
- Encode
- Equals
- NumAtom
- Properties
- Num
- Num64
- Real
- OpAtom
- Methods
- OpAtom
- Equals
- Find
- GetParameter
- GetParameters
- Properties
- Text
- RefAtom
- Methods
- RefAtom
- Assign
- Equals
- Resolve
- Properties
- ID
- Gen
- StringAtom
- Methods
- Encode
- EncodeDoubleByte
- StringAtom
- Decode
- DecodeDoubleByte
- Equals
- Properties
- Text
- ABCpdf10.Operations
- Operation
- Events
- ProcessingObject Event
- ProcessedObject Event
- ProcessedObjectEventArgs
- Methods
- ProcessedObjectEventArgs
- Properties
- Object
- Successful
- Tag
- ProcessingObjectEventArgs
- Methods
- ProcessingObjectEventArgs
- Properties
- Object
- Tag
- Info
- ProcessingInfo
- Methods
- ProcessingInfo
- Properties
- SourceType
- Handled
- X
- Y
- Width
- Height
- DocNumber
- DocCount
- PageNumber
- PageCount
- FrameNumber
- FrameCount
- FrameRate
- BackgroundColor
- StreamPosition
- StreamLength
- Text
- RecolorOperation
- Methods
- RecolorOperation
- Recolor
- Properties
- ConvertAnnotations
- DestinationColorSpace
- XpsImportOperation
- Methods
- GetApplicationFolder
- XpsImportOperation
- ApplicationIsRunning
- EnableApplicationReuse
- Import
- ImportAny
- KillApplication
- ReusesApplication
- Properties
- Application
- ApplicationFolder
- DocNumber
- EnableMSOfficeMacros
- Password
- SwfImportOperation
- Methods
- SwfImportOperation
- Import
- Properties
- Doc
- BackgroundRegion
- ClipRegion
- ResetRegions
- Timeout
- ContentAlign
- ContentScaleMode
- Parameters
- SwfParameters
- Properties
- FlashVars
- StageAlign
- StageHeight
- StageScaleMode
- StageWidth
- RenderOperation
- Methods
- RenderOperation
- Save
- GetBitmap
- GetData
- PdfConformanceIdentification
- Methods
- FromDoc
- Properties
- Part
- Amd
- Conformance
- EffectiveConformance
- PdfConformityOperation
- Methods
- GetData
- GetStream
- Save
- Properties
- Conformance
- Messages
- Conformity
- Errors
- PdfValidationOperation
- Methods
- Read
- Properties
- Conformance
- Doc
- Errors
- Warnings
- PageContents
- Methods
- PageContents
- AddLayers
- AddPages
- Properties
- IncludeColor
- IncludeAnnotations
- RegenerateUnicode
- TextOperation
- Methods
- TextOperation
- GetText
- Select
- Group
- Properties
- Hyphenation
- NativeColors
- PageContents
- ShowArtifactText
- ShowClippedText
- ShowObscuredText
- Substitutions
- TabAffinity
- TabChar
- TextObjects
- WordAffinity
- TextFragment
- Properties
- Font
- FontColor
- FontSize
- FontObliqueAngle
- PageID
- StreamID
- StreamOffset
- StreamLength
- TextSpanIndex
- Rect
- Rotation
- Text
- RawText
- FontColorSpace
- TextGroup
- Properties
- PageID
- Rect
- Text
- TextFragments
- ImageOperation
- Methods
- ImageOperation
- GetImageProperties
- Properties
- IncludeAll
- PageContents
- ImageProperties
- Properties
- PixMap
- Renditions
- Dpi
- DpiX
- DpiY
- ImageRendition
- Methods
- Focus
- Properties
- PageID
- Matrix
- BoundingBox
- Dpi
- DpiX
- DpiY
- StreamObject
- StreamOffset
- StreamLength
- StreamID
- FlattenTransparencyOperation
- Methods
- FlattenTransparencyOperation
- FlattenTransparency
- Properties
- Alpha
- AntiAliasPolygons
- AntiAliasText
- ColorSpace
- ConvertAnnotations
- DotsPerInch
- IccCmyk
- IccGray
- IccRgb
- Log
- ReduceSizeOperation
- Methods
- ReduceSizeOperation
- Compact
- Properties
- CompressImages
- CompressStreams
- ColorImageCompression
- ColorImageDpi
- ColorImageQuality
- GrayImageCompression
- GrayImageDpi
- GrayImageQuality
- MonochromeImageCompression
- MonochromeImageDpi
- MonochromeImageQuality
- PageContents
- PalettizationTolerance
- RefactorImages
- UnembedComplexFonts
- UnembedCorruptFonts
- UnembedSimpleFonts
- UnembedUnusualFonts
- AccessibilityOperation
- Methods
- AccessibilityOperation
- MakeAccessible
- Properties
- PageContents
- FixFonts
- FixMetadata
- EffectOperation
- Methods
- EffectOperation
- Apply
- Properties
- Names
- Name
- Description
- Parameters
- AutoQuality
- AutoRestore
- EffectParameter
- Properties
- Name
- Description
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Value
- Values
- Effects
- Images
- Autolevels
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Convolution
- Despeckle
- Equalize
- Gaussianblur
- Histogram
- Laplacian
- Levels
- Median
- Pinch
- Ripple
- Sharpen
- Twirl
- Unsharp
- Wave
- Introduction to Effects
- AutoLevels Effect
- Brightness Effect
- Contrast Effect
- Convolution Effect
- Despeckle Effect
- Equalize Effect
- Gaussian Blur Effect
- Histogram Effect
- Laplacian Effect
- Levels Effect
- Median Effect
- Pinch Effect
- RippleEffect
- Sharpen Effect
- Twirl Effect
- Unsharp Mask Effect
- Wave Effect