Doc Class

ABCpdf .net


This is the top level object that represents a PDF document.


Implements: IDisposable


Method Description
AddArc Adds an arc to the current page.
AddBookmark Adds a bookmark pointing to the current page.
Throws Exceptions AddColorSpaceFile Adds an ICC based color space to the document.
AddColorSpaceSpot Adds a separation color space to the document.
AddFont Adds a font reference to the document.
AddGrid Adds a visible grid to the current page.
AddHtml Adds a block of HTML styled text to the current page.
Throws Exceptions AddImage Adds an image to the current page.
Throws Exceptions AddImageBitmap Adds a System.Drawing.Bitmap to the current page.
Throws Exceptions AddImageCopy Adds a copy of an existing image in the Doc, to the current page.
Throws Exceptions AddImageData Extract an image from data and add it to the current page.
AddImageDoc Draw a page from one PDF document onto the current page of this document.
AddImageFile Extract an image from a file and add it to the current page.
Throws Exceptions AddImageHtml Renders a web page specified as HTML.
Throws Exceptions AddImageObject Adds an XImage based image to the current page.
Throws Exceptions AddImageToChain Adds a new page from a paged HTML or PostScript render.
Throws Exceptions AddImageUrl Renders a web page specified by URL.
AddLine Adds a line to the current page.
AddObject Adds a native PDF object to the document.
AddOval Adds an oval to the current page.
AddPage Adds a page to the current document.
AddPie Adds a pie slice to the current page.
AddPoly Adds a polygon to the current page.
AddRect Add a rectangle to the current page.
AddText Adds a block of text to the current page.
AddXObject Add a Form or Image XObject to the current page.
Append Appends a PDF to the end of the document.
Chainable Determines if an object is chainable.
Clear Clears the document.
ClearCachedDecompressedStreams Clears the cached, decompressed data for stream objects.
Delete Deletes an object previously added to the document.
EmbedFont Embeds a font into the document.
FillRect Adds a painted rectangle to the current page.
FitHtml Fit a block of HTML styled text into the current rectangle.
FitText Fit a block of text into the current rectangle on the current page.
Flatten Flattens and compresses the current page.
FrameRect Adds a rectangular frame to the current page.
Throws Exceptions GetData Saves a document to memory.
GetInfo Gets string information about an object.
GetInfoDate Gets date information about an object.
GetInfoDouble Gets numeric information about an object.
GetInfoInt Gets numeric information about an object.
GetInfoInt64 Gets numeric information about an object.
Throws Exceptions GetStream Gets a document as raw data stream.
GetText Extract content from the current page in a specified format.
MeasureText Measure the length of a block of text without adding it to the page.
Throws Exceptions Read Reads an existing document.
RemapPages Remaps pages for reordering, copying and deletion.
Save Saves the document as PDF.
SetInfo Sets information about an object.
ToString A string representation of the graphic style of the document.


Property Description
Bookmark The top level bookmark for the document.
Color The current drawing and filling color.
ColorSpace The current ColorSpace ID.
CropBox The current document visible page size.
Encryption The current encryption settings.
Font The current Font ID.
FontSize The current text size.
Form The document form and fields.
HtmlOptions The HTML and URL rendering options.
Layer The insertion layer for new content.
LayerCount The number of layers on the current page.
MediaBox The current document page size.
ObjectSoup The collection of obects that make up the PDF.
Options The state options for low level drawing control.
Page The current Page ID.
PageCount The number of pages in the document.
PageNumber The page number of the current page.
Pos The current drawing position.
Rect The current rectangle used for drawing operations.
Rendering The rendering options and control.
Root The root catalog object.
SaveOptions The save options and control.
String A string representation of the graphic style of the document.
TextStyle The current style for drawing text.
TopDown The current position of the origin.
Transform The current transformation for drawing.
Units The current measurement units.
Width The current line width.