XRect Class

ABCpdf .net


Represents a rectangular area in two-dimensional space. When first created the object defaults to an empty rectangle "0 0 0 0".

ABCpdf uses the standard Adobe PDF coordinate space. The origin of this space is at the bottom left of the document. Distances are measured up and right in points. Points are a traditional measure for print work and there are 72 points in an inch. For further details see the Coordinates section of the documentation.

You can change the coordinate system used by the Doc.Rect and the Doc.MediaBox using the Doc.Units and Doc.TopDown properties.


Implements: IDisposable, IEquatable<XRect>, IComparable<XRect>


Method Description
  FromLbwh Creates an XRect from a bottom left corner, a width and a height.
  FromLtwh Creates an XRect from a top left corner, a width and a height.
  FromSides Creates an XRect from the coordinates of two diagonally opposite corners.
  FromPoints Create the smallest XRect that encloses all the points supplied.
XRect XRect Constructor.
Contains Determine if this rectangle contains a specified point or rectangle.
FitIn Fits the rectangle as content inside another rectangle.
GetCorners Get the four corners of the rectangle.
Inset Insets the edges of the rectangle.
Intersect Intersects this rectangle with another rectangle.
IntersectsWith Determine if this rectangle intersects with another.
Magnify Magnifies the rectangle.
Move Translate the rectangle.
Position Position the bottom left of the rectangle.
Resize Resizes the rectangle.
Union Union this rectangle with another rectangle.
SetRect Sets the location and size of the rectangle.
SetSides Sets the sides of the rectangle.
ToString Returns a string representation of the object.
Equals Test whether the two rectangles are effectively the same.
GetHashCode A hash code for the XRect.


Property Description
Bottom The bottom coordinate.
Height The height of the rectangle.
Left The left coordinate.
Pin The corner of the rectangle to pin.
Rectangle The System.Drawing.Rectangle.
Right The right coordinate.
String The rect as a string.
Top The top coordinate.
Width The width of the rectangle.
HasArea Whether the rectangle has area.