Opening Balances Field List
Use this field to enter a description for the document.
Accept ***New*** in this field to let the program assign a number if you are entering a new document. The program assigns the next number specified on the Options form when you add the document.
To edit an existing document, type its number in the Document Number field, then press the Tab key, or use the Finder or the navigation buttons to select the document.
You can enter an optional reference for the opening balances document.
Accept New as the transaction status when you are adding a new Opening Balances document.
After you add a new transaction (by clicking the Add button), the program changes the status to Entered. You can change the status from Entered to Approved to indicate that the transaction is ready for posting.
Use this field to enter or select the date on which you are processing the opening balances.
The program displays the session date as the default, but you can change it.
Depending on your selection for the Default Posting Date option (in the PJC Options form), the transaction date may also be used for the posting date.
The program displays the year and period that contains the date to which the transactions will be posted.
Project and Job Costing uses the transaction/document date or the session date as the default posting date, depending on your choice for the Default Posting Date option on the PJC Options form.
If you want to change the posting date, click the Zoom ()
button beside the Year/Period field to open the Posting Date Override
form, and then change the posting date as required.
Note: If you consolidate G/L transactions by Account And Fiscal Period or by Account, Fiscal Period And Source, the posting date for consolidated entries is the last date of the fiscal period.
Detail Opening Balance form
This field appears only if you selected Actuals as the Opening Type.
Specify the category for which you are entering opening Actuals balances.
Type, or use the Finder to select, the contract number for which you are entering opening balances. The program displays the description for the specified contract.
You must specify a contract that has Estimate or Approved status if you are entering opening balances for actuals.
If you are entering opening balances for stored material, the contract status must be Estimate, Approved, or Open.
Select from the list the type of opening balance that you are entering.
You can choose:
Actuals — to enter opening balances for the project to date.
Activity — to enter opening activity statistics.
Stored -- to enter opening balances for stored materials.
Type or use the Finder to select the code for the project for which you are entering the opening balances. The program displays the description for the specified project.
You must specify a project that has Estimate or Approved status if you are entering opening balances for actuals.
If you are entering opening balances for stored material, the project status must be Estimate, Approved, or Open.
This field appears if you selected Actuals or Stored as the Opening Type.
If you are adding opening actuals balances for a standard project, you must specify the resource.
If you are entering stored balances for a standard project you must enter a item number for a material resource that you have assigned to the project category.
If you are entering stored balances for a basic project, you can either leave the field blank, or:
If you use Inventory Control, select an item number from Inventory Control.
If you use Purchase Orders as a standalone program, can select an item number from Purchase Orders.
If you use neither Inventory Control nor Purchase Orders, enter any reference using up to 24 characters.
Actuals fields
For time and materials projects and fixed price projects that use an item invoice type, Project and Job Costing displays the A/R unit of measure.
Billing Rate (Source Currency)
You cannot enter opening balances for the actual billing rate.
Project and Job Costing displays calculated extended cost. (In a multicurrency system, the amount is in functional currency.)
You cannot change this field.
If the labor type for the category is Flat Rate Per Labor Hour/Unit or Percentage of Labor Cost, enter the actual labor amount. (In a multicurrency system, enter the amount in functional currency.)
You cannot enter opening balances for the actual labor percentage or rate.
If the overhead type for the category is Flat Rate Per Unit or Percentage Of Cost, enter the actual labor amount. In a multicurrency system, enter the amount in functional currency.
Overhead % / Overhead Rate
You cannot enter opening balances for the actual overhead percentage or rate.
Enter a quantity for the transaction in this field.
Total Cost (Functional Currency)
The program displays the sum of the actual extended cost, labor amount, and overhead amount in your company's functional currency.
Total Revenue (Functional Currency)
Enter the actual revenue amount in functional currency. You can enter zero.
Total Revenue (Source Currency)
This line appears only if Accounts Receivable is multicurrency and your customer does not use the functional currency.
Enter the revenue amount in the source currency. The amount can be zero.
Total Profit (Functional Currency)
The program calculates and displays the total profit.
Total Profit (Source Currency)
This line appears only if Accounts Receivable is multicurrency and your customer does not use the functional currency.
The program calculates and displays the total profit in the source currency.
The Actuals Type field lets you specify whether you are entering actuals balances for revenue or for costs.
Whether you enter opening balances separately for revenue and costs parallels the way you enter estimates for the project, and depends on the project type, project style, and accounting method.
For projects for which you estimate revenue and costs at the same contract level (project, category, or resource), you can use the same detail to enter revenue and cost actuals balances. That is, you do not specify the actuals type for:
Standard projects for which you estimate both revenue and costs at the resource level (that is, for all time and materials projects and for fixed price projects that use an item invoice type).
Basic projects for which you estimate revenue and costs at the category level (that is, for all time and materials projects and for cost plus and fixed price projects that use the billings and costs or accrual basis accounting methods).
However, for all projects for which you estimate revenue and costs at different contract levels, you must enter opening revenue and cost balances using separate details.
To Be Billed Total Revenue
This column appears only if you selected a time and materials project or for a fixed price project that uses the Billings And Costs or Accrual-Basis accounting method.
Enter the amount remaining to be billed. If Accounts Receivable is multicurrency and the customer's currency is different from your functional currency, enter the amount in the customer's currency. The amount also appears on the Total Revenue (Source Currency) line.
If Accounts Receivable is single currency, or if the customer currency and the functional currency are the same, the amount you enter also appears on the Total Revenue (Functional Currency) line.
Activity fields
Enter the date that you posted the last vendor payment for the project in your previous system. You can also leave the date blank.
Enter the date that you posted the last customer receipt for the project in your previous system. You can leave the date blank.
Enter the date that you last posted a customer invoice for the project in your previous system. You can also leave the date blank.
Enter the date that you posted the last cost transaction for the project. You can also leave the date blank.
Enter the date that you posted the last invoice for this project in your previous order entry system.
Enter the date that you posted the last shipment for this project in your previous order entry system.
Enter the date that you posted the last purchase order for this project in your previous system.
Enter the date that you posted the last Purchase Orders receipt for this project.
Enter the date that you posted the last Purchase Orders return for this project.
[Canadian/US] Payroll Date
Enter the date that you last successfully printed paychecks in Canadian or US Payroll for this project.
Revise Estimates Posting Date
Enter the date you last revised an estimate (such as from a change order) for the project. You can also leave the date blank.
A/P Vendor Payments (Functional Currency)
Use this field to specify the total amount, in your functional currency, of payments to vendors for the project.
A/R Customer Receipts (Source Currency)
If your Accounts Receivable system is multicurrency, use this field to specify the total amount of receipts, using your customer's currency, that you have been posted to the project.
Stored fields
In this field, enter the extended cost for the opening quantity of stored material for the specified category or resource category.
If you use multicurrency, enter the amount in your functional currency.
In this field, enter the amount of overhead costs associated with the stored quantity you entered.
If you use multicurrency, enter the amount in your functional currency.
Payment Due (from AIA Certificate
for Payment)
This field appears only if you selected the option Use AIA Report.
Enter the amount reported in Column G less the amount from Column I on the last AIA G703 report. (If you use multicurrency, the amount is in the customer currency.)
The amount is used to produce the next AIA report, and does not appear on the Contract Maintenance form.
Enter the opening quantity of material stored for this category or resource category. Note that quantity you enter becomes the new opening balance quantity for stored material. (The program does not add the amount you entered for the opening balance quantity to any existing amounts in storage.)
If you use Inventory Control and that program allows fractional quantities, you can enter a stored quantity using up to four decimal places. If you do not Allow Fractional Quantities in Inventory Control, you must enter a whole number in this field.
If you do not use Inventory Control, you can enter a stored quantity using up to five decimal places.
Amount (from AIA Certificate for Payment)
This field appears only if you selected the option Use AIA Report.
Enter the amount reported in column I on the last G703 you generated. (If you use multicurrency, the amount is in the customer currency.)
This amount is used for the next AIA report you generate. It does not appear on the Contract Maintenance form.
Amount (from AIA Certificate for Payment)
This field appears only if you selected the option Use AIA Report.
Enter the amount reported in column F on the last G703 you generated. If you use multicurrency, the amount is in the customer currency.
This amount is used for the next AIA report you generate. It does not appear on the Contract Maintenance form.
In this field, enter the amount to be used as the stored total cost for the category or resource category.
If you use multicurrency, enter the amount in your functional currency.
This field appears only if you selected the option Use AIA Report. In this field, enter the amount of any revenue previously reported.
If you use multicurrency, enter the amount in the customer currency.
This amount is used to produce the AIA report, and does not appear anywhere on the Contract Maintenance form.
This field appears once you enter a contract, project, category, and, for standard projects, a resource. Select this field if you need to keep stored balances for the AIA report.
If you select Use AIA Report, the program displays the following additional fields in the grid:
Total Revenue
Previous Work Complete
Previous Certificates for Payment
Completed (from AIA Certificate for Payment)
This field appears only if you selected the option Use AIA Report.
In this field, enter the sum of the amounts from columns D and E on the last AIA Report you generated.
If you use multicurrency, enter the amount in the customer currency.
This amount appears in column D when you next generate the AIA report. It does not appear on the Contract Maintenance form.