Employees Field List
This field becomes available if you selected US Payroll or Canadian Payroll as the Payroll Type.
The Finder and the navigation buttons next to the Employee field let you select employee records from the Sage ERP Accpac Payroll program.
Note that if you select an employee from Sage ERP Accpac Payroll, you can select only an earnings code, standard hours, unit cost, billing rate, class, and group that are used in the Payroll record.
If you selected an employee from US Payroll or Canadian Payroll, the employee number appears in this field.
You can also use this field to select an employee record that you have already added to Project and Job Costing.
If you are adding a new employee record and you do not use Sage ERP Accpac Payroll, enter a unique employee number in this field. You can use up to 16 alphanumeric characters to specify the employee number.
If you selected an existing employee from Sage ERP Accpac Payroll, the employee's name appears in this field.
If you did not select an employee from Sage ERP Accpac Payroll, you enter the employee's name here.
Use this field to select the Sage ERP Accpac Payroll program in which the employee you want to add to your Project and Job Costing system is enrolled.
If you do not use an Sage ERP Accpac Payroll program, or if the employee record does not exist in the other program, select None.
When you select an Sage ERP Accpac Payroll program, the employee records from that program become available for you to select using the Employee field in the Project and Job Costing Employees form.
Employee tab
If you use PJC Employee Setup as the default for timecards (on the PJC Options form), Project and Job Costing displays this billing rate on timecards you enter for time and materials projects and for fixed price projects that use item invoices.
Enter the rate at which to bill for work performed by this employee. You can change the billing rate for individual timecards when you enter them.
If your Project and Job Costing system is multicurrency, you can use the currency grid on this tab to set up a billing rate for each currency used by your customers. Using a separate line for each currency in which you bill, use the Finder for the Currency Code field to select the currency, then use the Billing Rate column to enter the billing rate for that currency.
You can enter additional comments for this employee using up to 250 characters.
If your Project and Job Costing system is multicurrency, you can set up billing rates on the currency grid for each currency used by your customers.
Using a separate line for each currency in which you bill, use the Currency Code Finder to select the currency, then use the Billing Rate column to enter the billing rate for each currency.
This field lets you specify the hours that will be used as the default for the employee on PJC Timecards.
If you selected an employee from Sage ERP Accpac Payroll, Project and Job Costing displays the hours from the Payroll record in this field, but you can change it, if necessary.
If you do not use Sage ERP Accpac Payroll, enter the standard number of hours per day that the employee works.
You can enter up to two e-mail addresses for the employee, using up to 50 characters for each.
Use this field to enter the earnings code for the employee.
If you selected an employee from Sage ERP Accpac US or Canadian Payroll, a Finder appears that lets you select an earnings code from the employee record in Sage ERP Accpac Payroll. You must enter an earnings code that exists in the Sage ERP Accpac payroll program.
If you do not use Sage ERP Accpac US or Canadian Payroll, type an earnings code using up to 16 characters.
You can use this field to categorize employees, or you can leave the field blank.
Check this field to make this employee record inactive. You cannot process timecards for inactive employees.
Maintained (display only)
This field indicates the date that this employee record was last changed.
If you permit this user to have access to Project and Job Costing Timecards, enter the user ID you set up for the employee in Administrative Services.
You can also leave the User ID field blank to let the employee view timecards for all employees.
For information about using security in Sage ERP Accpac, see the System Manager help.
Enter the pay rate that the employee normally receives for the pay period.
If you select an employee from Sage ERP Accpac Payroll, Project and Job Costing displays the pay rate from the payroll employee record.
Default Settings For Standard Projects tab
Use this field to enter or select an A/R item number to use for this
employee's labor on item
The A/R item record also supplies tax information for item invoices.
Specify the unit of time by which you pay this employee.
Note that the unit of measure must be defined for the A/R Item number in the currency used for the employee.
Security tab
Project and Job Costing lets you choose whether to hide or show the following Expense fields on a selected employee's Timecard:
Total Cost
Billing Amount
Billing Type
Project and Job Costing lets you choose whether to hide or show the Time following fields on a selected employee's Timecard:
Unit Cost
Total Cost
Billing Rate
Billing Amount
Billing Type
You indicate which fields will be visible and which ones will not appear on the employee's timecard by indicating Yes or No in the Visible column for each field.
You can hide the Unit Cost, Total Cost, Billing Rate, Billing Amount, and Billing Type fields on the Time tab of the timecard.
You can hide the Total Cost, Billing Amount, and Billing Type fields on the Expense tab.
Note that this security feature is separate from security that you enable through Administrative Services. Even if you don't use security for your Sage ERP Accpac system, you can hide fields on a timecard.
Security for Project and Job Costing timecards is also separate from security for Payroll timecards. You do not require security for Payroll timecards to enter a timecard in Project and Job Costing.
Fields tab
The Optional Fields tab appears only if you use Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator, a program that is available separately from Sage ERP Accpac.
Field and Description
Optional fields that are set up for automatic insertion on this form appear as defaults for new records. You can accept the default entries, or edit or delete them. You can also add different optional fields, if required.
Use the Finder on the Optional Field column to select optional fields that you have set up for use with the form.
The description from the optional field setup record appears when you specify an optional field code.
You can change any default entries that appear.
If an optional field requires validation, you can select only a value that is defined for the optional field in Common Services. (If the optional field allows blanks, you can leave the default value field blank.)
If the optional field does not use validation, you can select a value from Common Services, leave the field blank, or enter any value that is consistent with the type of field (yes/no, text, number, date, amount, and so on) and does not exceed the number of characters specified for the optional field.