Contract Maintenance Form — Contract Tab
You use the Contract tab of the Contract Maintenance form to define general settings for a contract, including the structure code, account set, customer number, contract manager, contact information for the customer, as well as the start and end dates that represent the duration of the contract.
You can also use this tab to define default settings for any projects that you add to the contract. If you choose not specify default settings for all the projects related to the contract, Project and Job Costing uses the default settings from the individual project records.
If you use the New Contract Wizard to set up a new contract, particularly if you copy an existing contract, many of the fields on this tab will be filled in for you. You should review the settings, and change your selections for the new contract, as necessary. You cannot change the customer number or the contract style, however.
Once you add the contract record, you cannot change the structure code.
Click one of the buttons below for information about another tab on the Contract Maintenance form.