Resource Category Maintenance — Transactions Tab
The Transactions tab appears only for labor categories, which are assigned to employee resources.
It lets you choose different timecard default settings for a particular employee and cost category than those specified on the PJC Options form. The settings determine the billing rate and unit cost that appear on the employee's timecard when you specify the particular contract, project, and category.
Note that you can specify a default unit cost for employees that are "PJC employees," only. If the employee has a record in US or Canadian Payroll, the earnings rate from the employee's Payroll record appears as the unit cost on the employee's PJC timecards.
To change the timecard settings for an employee and cost category:
On the Contract Maintenance tree, click the resource category for the project and employee.
On the Transactions tab of the Resource Category Maintenance form, specify settings for the Default PJC Employee Unit Cost From and Default Billing Rate fields.
For information about a field, click the Field List button at the top of this page.