Clear History Field List
Select this option if you want to clear transactions for closed contracts.
When you select the option, additional fields appear.
Use the From and To fields to specify the range of contracts for which to clear transactions. The program clears all transactions for closed contracts in the specified range.
Use the Cutoff By field to select the type of date up to which to clear transactions. You can clear transactions up to a specified transaction date or a specified year and period.
Your choice for this field determines whether you can choose a transaction date or a year and period in the next field.
Select this option if you want to clear transactions from the Committed Costs Audit List.
When you select the option, additional fields become available to let you select the range of contracts, projects, and categories for which to clear transactions, as well as the transaction date through which to clear them.
Use this field to select the type of date through which to clear documents.
You can clear documents up to a specified transaction date or year and period.
Your choice for this field determines whether the program displays a Transaction Date field or a Year/Period field where you specify a date or a year and period.
Select this option if you want to clear posted transactions.
When you select the option, additional fields become available to let you specify the particular types of documents you want to clear and the transaction date, or year and period, through which to clear transactions.
Select Posting Errors if you want to clear posting errors journals, and then specify the posting sequence number up to which to clear.
Select this option if you want to clear printed posting journals for equipment usage, timecards, adjustments, revenue recognition, revenue estimates, reopen projects, costs, or material allocation transactions.
When you select the option, additional fields become available to let you select the particular posting journals to clear and the posting sequences through which to clear.
Posting Sequence Number
For each type of journal that you select to clear, specify the posting sequence number up to which to clear.
This field appears if you selected Transaction Date in the Cutoff By field.
Use the field to specify the transaction date up to which to clear transactions.
For Closed Contracts
Select this option if you want to clear all transactions for closed contracts.
When you select the option, additional fields become available to let you specify the transaction date, or year and period, through which to clear transactions.
This field appears if you selected Year/Period in the Cutoff By field.
Use the field to specify the year and period up to which to clear transactions.