Processing Job-Related Payroll
To charge jobs for payroll costs, you process timecards in Project and Job Costing.
Whether you use a Sage ERP Accpac payroll program, or not, you must create an employee in Project and Job Costing before you can process a job-related timecard for the employee.
If you do not use a Sage Accpac payroll program, or if the employee has no record in the payroll program, you set up employee records in Project and Job Costing with a payroll type of None, manually entering information for the employee.
If you use Sage ERP Accpac US or Canadian Payroll, you can add PJC employee records that use information from your payroll employee records.
Click here to find out how to add or modify employee records.
When calculating payroll costs, Project and Job Costing uses the default earnings codes and billing rates specified for a particular project, depending on:
The project type and accounting method. (A billing rate is used only for time and materials projects and for fixed price projects that use the accrual-basis or billings and costs accounting method.)
Whether the employee is set up in Payroll. (The default unit cost for Payroll employees comes from the Payroll employee record. if the employee is not set up in Payroll, the unit cost setting is used.)
Processing Timecards
You can process timecards that include both labor costs and employee reimbursements.
The program uses weekly timecards as the default pay period, but you can change the start and end dates for individual timecards, if you use a different pay period.
If you use security in your Sage ERP Accpac system, employees with a Timecard Entry security assignment can enter timecards. To restrict an employee to view, enter, or update only their own timecards, you must enter their user ID on their PJC employee record. An employee with Timecard Posting authorization can review and post timecards.
If you have set up your Sage ERP Accpac system for use on the Internet, employees can also enter timecards remotely using a browser. (For information on setting up Sage ERP Accpac for Internet users, see the System Manager documentation.)
When entering information on timecards, you use:
The Time Details tab to enter wage cost transactions.
For each timecard detail, you specify the:
Contract, project, and category to charge for labor.
The transaction date, start time, and end time. (You can also leave the start and end times blank, entering just the number of hours worked.)
The earnings code.
The grid on the Time tab displays a daily summary for the period showing the:
Wage expense for each contract, project, and category for which the employee worked during the period.
Hours worked for each day of the week to which the wage expense applies. You enter a separate timecard each week, or for another period determined by the timecard’s start and end dates.
You must specify a valid earnings code, billing rate (for some projects), and class for the employee. Project and Job Costing displays default entries for the earnings code, unit cost, and billing rate as follows:
The earnings code from the PJC employee record is used as the default for the employee's timecard.
The unit cost from the payroll employee record is used, if the employee has a record in US or Canadian Payroll.
If the employee has no record in the payroll program, the setting for the unit cost on the PJC Options form specifies whether the default unit cost from the employee record or from the category (or resource category), is used.
A billing rate is required only if the timecard detail is for a time and materials project or a fixed price project that uses the accrual-basis or the billings and costs accounting method.
Separate settings for payroll employees and PJC employees on the Options form determine the source for the billing rate. The billing rate can come from the PJC employee record, or -- depending on the project style -- from the category or resource category.
The standard hours from the PJC employee record is used as the default number of hours.
Note: If an employee also performs work that is not job-related, you must enter a separate timecard in your payroll program to pay for that work.
The Expense tab to reimburse employees’ out-of-pocket expenses.
For each expense detail, you specify the:
Contract, project, and category to charge.
The expense code and expense type.
The cost amount.
The unit of measure.
The employee expense account and, depending on the project type and accounting method, the work in progress account.
Depending on the project type and accounting method, you may also specify tax information.
Depending on the project type and project style, if the project and/or category are billable, you may also change the billing type.
For time and materials projects and fixed price projects that use the accrual-basis or the billings and costs accounting method:
The billing amount.
The A/R item number.
Note: Labor burden and overhead are not calculated for timecard expenses.
Click here for step-by-step instructions on entering time details on an employee's timecard.
Click here for step-by-step instructions on reimbursing employee expenses on a timecard.
When you post timecards, the program creates journal entries that debit the general ledger work in progress account and credit the wage expense account and, if required, credit the labor allocated and overhead allocated accounts.
Updating Your Payroll Program
After you post timecards for payroll employees in Project and Job Costing, you run Update Payroll to update US or Canadian Payroll with the timecard information. You then generate employee checks in the usual way, in the payroll program. You can also run Update Payroll to create a .CSV file that you can import into a non-Sage ERP Accpac payroll program.
Alternatively, you can:
Post job-related timecards in US or Canadian Payroll, and automatically update Project and Job Costing when you print the paychecks.
Import timecards from and export timecards to Payroll.
Click here for step-by-step instructions on updating payroll.