Plug and Play Devices

NI-DAQ Measurement & Automation Explorer

Plug and Play Devices

If you have installed your Plug and Play DAQ device before installing NI-DAQ, or if MAX did not automatically detect your device, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Start»Settings»Control Panel»System, and select the Hardware tab.
  2. Click Device Manager.
  3. Select a National Instruments DAQ device under Other Devices in the device type list. Right-click the device and select Uninstall. Repeat with each National Instruments device in the list.
  4. Right-click in the Device Manager window and select Scan for hardware changes. Windows 2000/XP detects Plug and Play device(s).
  5. Click OK when you are finished.

If you have not yet installed the Plug and Play DAQ device, power off your computer and install the device. Power on the computer after installation is complete. When Windows 2000/XP starts up, it should assign resources to the device automatically.

If Windows 2000/XP does not detect the Plug and Play device, refer to for troubleshooting help.