Add, remove, or review digital signatures when filling out a form
When filling out a form, you can add a digital signature to part or all of the form, depending on the form's design. You can digitally sign forms only if they have been designed to accept digital signatures. You can also remove or review digital signatures.
Once signed, the form or part of the form that was signed cannot be altered without invalidating the signature.
- On the Standard toolbar, click Digital Signatures
, and then in the Digital Signatures dialog box, click Add.
Note If it's available, you can also click the Click here to sign this section
command directly in the form.
- If necessary, in the Digital Signature Wizard, select the part of the form you want to sign, and then click Next.
- In the Select the certificate that you want to use to sign the form list, click the certificate you want to use as your digital signature, and then click Next.
Note To digitally sign a form, you must have a digital certificate installed on your computer. If you do not have a digital certificate, see your system administrator, a certification authority (such as VeriSign, Inc.), or request one from your network's default certification authority.
- In the Comment box, type a comment to save with the signature, and then click Finish.
- Closely review what you are signing, including the image of the form content, the comment, and the information associated with the signature, and then click the I have verified this content before signing check box.
- Click Sign.
- On the Standard toolbar, click Digital Signatures
. The Digital Signatures dialog box displays all of the digital signatures assigned to the form.
- In the Digital Signatures dialog box, click the signature you want to remove, and then click Remove.
Note In some cases, you must remove the most recent signature before removing the preceding signatures.
- On the Standard toolbar, click Digital Signatures
. The Digital Signatures dialog box displays all of the digital signatures assigned to the form.
- In the Digital Signatures dialog box, do one of the following:
- To view the image of the form that was signed by a particular signature, click the signature, and then click View Signed Form.
- To view the certificate that was used to sign the form, select the signature, and then click View Certificate.
Note The information in this topic may not apply if you are working with a form designed using Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 without the service pack installed. Learn more