Check spelling in other languages
When you use Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 with multiple languages enabled, InfoPath checks the spelling in your form one language at a time. If you want to check text in another language, you must use the following procedure to switch to the dictionary for that language. You can repeat this procedure for each language for which you want to check spelling.
- On the Tools menu, click Set Language.
- In the Language dialog box, select the language whose spelling you want to check, and then do one of the following:
Check spelling automatically as you
- On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Spelling tab.
- Select the Check spelling as you type check box.
- Type into the form.
- Right-click each word that displays a wavy red underline, and then on the shortcut menu, select the command or spelling alternative that you want.
- On the
Standard toolbar, click
- When InfoPath encounters a misspelled word, select the appropriate command or spelling alternative in the Spelling task pane.
- To continue checking the form, click Find Next.
- If spelling options are not available for the language you have selected, InfoPath may require files that are available in the Microsoft Office 2003 Proofing Tools.
- When you fill out a form, the spelling checker checks only text that is typed into a field that allows a spelling check and does not check text that is a part of the form's design.
- When designing a form, you can specify where in the form users are allowed to check their spelling.