Ship Orders and Items

Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry 6.0

Ship Orders and Items


You can enter shipped quantities on the Order Entry form or on the Shipment Entry form.

In other words, you can:

  • Use the Order Entry form to create orders and ship them in one step — even generating the invoice at the same time.


  • Skip the Order Entry phase entirely and use the Shipment Entry form to enter shipments directly — and optionally generating the invoice at the same time.

Note: If you use Payment Processing, you must process or void all pre-authorized credit card transactions before you can ship the orders for which the pre-authorizations exist.

Ship All button

Order Entry provides a quick way to ship all the items on an order.

Simply choose the Ship All button in the Shipment Entry form to ship all the outstanding quantities.

Create Invoice

If you are shipping quantities on an order entering a shipment, you can select the Create Invoice checkbox to automatically create an invoice for the shipped goods.

If you do not create the invoice when you ship goods, you can use the Invoice Entry form to invoice one or more shipments.

This lets you choose whether to invoice separate shipments, complete orders, or several orders at a time.

Negative inventory levels

If the Allow Negative Inventory Levels option is not selected in Inventory Control, the program ships only those quantities on hand in Inventory Control.

If the negative inventory option is selected, you are warned when you enter shipped quantities if the shipment will result in negative inventory levels.

Tip: Use the choices on the Settings Menu to enter shipments more efficiently.

Choose the appropriate set of steps from the following choices. See the Overview above for more information.

To enter shipped quantities on the Order Entry form

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions > Order Entry.

Click here for help on Order Entry fields.

  1. Enter the Order number if entering shipped quantities for an existing order.

If you are creating a new order

  • Press the Tab key in the Order No. field to accept *** NEW *** as the order number, and then enter the customer number.

  • Fill in the general order information fields on the Order tab.

    • Choose a template if your company uses templates to fill in default field entries.

    • Enter a PO number if the customer has one.

    • Select the warehouse location from where you are shipping goods. The default location can come from the customer record or order template. You can change it for the order and for each detail line.

    • Select Active as the Order Type.

    • If this order is job-related, select the Job Related option. For more information on job-related options, refer to the Order Entry field list.

    • If the customer wants goods shipped to a particular location, click the Finder to search existing ship-to locations. You can use the Zoom button () to edit the ship-to location. You can also use the New button to add one to Accounts Receivable.

    • Select the Calc. Tax option to have to program calculate tax on the order.

    • Enter an order description and reference if applicable.

For full instructions on adding a new order, see Create a New Order.

  1. To ship all outstanding items on the order, click the Ship All button.

To ship items for some detail lines:

  1. Select the line for which you want to enter shipped quantities. (You can press F9 to view all detail fields on a data entry form.)

The program displays the number of items available at the selected location and for all locations.

  1. Tab to the Qty. Shipped field, and enter the number of items that you want to ship.

  2. If necessary, tab to the Quantity Backordered field.

  • If you set this field to zero, the program will mark the line as complete.

Order Entry will add the line amount (the Quantity Ordered) to the Sales Lost field on the Sales Statistics report.

  • If you by increase the quantity backordered for a fully shipped detail, the program then treats the order as incomplete.

  1. To add a prepayment to this order, click the Prepayment button. If you use Payment Processing, you can also process a credit card prepayment for the order.

  1. To check the totals for the order, click the Totals tab.

Note: If you are shipping any goods, you can select the Create Invoice option on the Totals tab to automatically create an invoice for the shipped quantities. Or you can invoice shipped goods later.

  1. Click Post to post the order and record any shipment, prepayment, or invoice information.

Order Entry lets you print the following documents after you post the order.

  • Order confirmation.

  • Shipment picking slip, if you are also shipping goods.

  • Invoice, if you are shipping goods and chose to create an invoice.

  • Prepayment receipt, if you entered a prepayment for the order.

You can also print these forms separately, from the O/E Forms folder.

To ship items for one or more orders using the Shipment Entry form

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions > Shipment Entry.

Click here for help on Shipment Entry fields.

  1. Press the Tab key to accept *** NEW *** as the shipment number (in the Shipment No. field).

Order Entry will assign a shipment number when you post the shipment.

If you do not want Order Entry to assign the number automatically, you can type the new number yourself, and then press the Tab key.

  1. Type the customer number or select it from the Finder.

Note: You can skip this field and go directly to the Order Number field, and then use the Finder to select by order number, PO number, salesperson, customer number, etc.

If you enter a customer number, you can also click the following buttons:

The Credit Check button to see whether you should continue with the shipment.

The Zoom button to check address and contact information.

To change customer information such as the tax code, price list, and payment terms, click the Customer tab, and then return to the Shipment tab.

  1. If you are shipping goods for only one order, type the order number or select it using the Finder.

If you are shipping several orders, select the From Multiple Orders option, then click the zoom () button beside the option. Use the Create Shipment From Orders form that appears to select the order numbers using the Finder, then click the Ship button. Click Close to return to the Shipment Entry form.

Note: If you use Payment Processing, you must capture or void all outstanding credit card pre-authorizations for any orders that are included in the shipment before you can post the shipment.

You can also skip the Order Number field to ship items without creating an orderfirst. For full instructions, see "To ship goods using the Shipment Entry form without creating an order first," later in this topic.

  1. Select the Create Invoice option on the Shipment tab or on the Totals tab to automatically create an invoice for the shipped quantities. Or you can invoice shipped goods later using the Invoice Entry form.

  2. Enter the shipped quantities, as follows:

  3. Click the Ship All button to ship all quantities on the order.


  • To create a partial shipment (ship only some of the details), type the quantity to ship in the Quantity Shipped field for each detail line you are shipping.

If necessary, tab to the Quantity Backordered field.

  • If you set this field to zero, the program will mark the line as complete.

Order Entry will add the line amount (the Quantity Ordered) to the Sales Lost field on the Sales Statistics report.

Highlight each detail line to see quantities at the selected location and at all locations.

You can press F9 to view all fields for the detail line in a data entry form.

  1. To assign or credit a salesperson for this order, click the Sales Split tab.

Note: If you are shipping multiple orders, you should always check the allocation on this tab.

  1. To add optional field information for the order, click the Optional Fields tab.

  2. To change currency exchange rates in a multicurrency system, click the Rates tab.

  3. To add a prepayment to this shipment, click the Prepayment button.

  4. Click the Totals tab to check the totals for the shipment.

  1. Click Post to post the shipment and assign the shipment number, if you let Order Entry assign your numbers.

Order Entry lets you print the following documents after you post the shipment.

  1. Shipment picking slip.

  2. Invoice, if you chose to create an invoice.

  3. Prepayment receipt, if you entered a prepayment for the shipment.

You can also print these forms separately, from the O/E Forms folder.

To ship items using the Shipment Entry form without creating an order first

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions > Shipment Entry.

Click here for help on Shipment Entry fields.

  1. Press the Tab key to accept *** NEW *** as the shipment number (in the Shipment No. field).

Order Entry will assign a shipment number when you post the shipment.

If you do not want Order Entry to assign the number automatically, you can type the new number yourself, and then press the Tab key.

  1. Type the customer number or select it from the Finder.

You can also click:

The New button to add a new customer record in Accounts Receivable.

The Credit Check button to see whether you should continue with the order.

The Zoom button to check address and contact information.

To change customer information such as the tax code, price list, and payment terms, click the Customer tab, and then return to the Shipment tab.

  1. Skip the Order Number field to ship goods without creating an orderfirst.

  1. Fill in the general shipment information fields on the Shipment tab.

    • Enter a PO number if the customer has one.

    • Choose a template if your company uses templates to fill in default field entries.

    • Select the warehouse location from where you are shipping goods. The default location can come from the customer record or the template. You can change it for the shipment and for each detail line.

    • Check the shipment date.

    • If the customer wants goods shipped to a particular location, click the Finder to search existing ship-to locations. You can use the Zoom button () to edit the ship-to location. You can also use the New button to add one to Accounts Receivable.

    • If this shipment is job-related, select the Job Related option. For more information on job-related options, refer to the Shipment Entry fields.

    • Select the Calc. Tax option to have to program calculate tax on the shipment.

    • Select the Create Invoice option on the Shipment tab or on the Totals tab to automatically create an invoice for the shipped quantities. Or you can invoice shipped goods later using the Invoice Entry form.

    • Enter a shipment description and reference if applicable.

  2. Tab into the detail entry grid (or click the grid) to start entering shipment details. You may have to press the Insert key to start a new line.

Click the Item/Tax... button or press F9 to display a data entry form instead ot the grid for detail entry.

  1. Double-click the Type field to switch between entering items or miscellaneous charges.

  2. Double-click the Item Number field and enter an item number.

You can also click the Item Number column heading to look up item numbers. (Using the Finder.)

If you are using a scanner, click in the Item Number field before scanning the bar code.

  1. Check the Price List and Location fields.

  • The default Price List is determined by the customer account. You can change it.

  • The Location defaults from the shipment header fields. You can change it.

  1. Tab to the Quantity Shipped field and enter the number of items that you are shipping.

The program will automatically enter a matching order quantity.

You cannot enter a backordered amount.

The program displays available item quantities at the bottom of the form.

  1. Use the tab key to move through the remaining columns on the form.

  2. Some columns may not be displayed. Order Entry lets you hide columns and change the column order.

  1. To assign or credit a salesperson for this order, click the Sales Split tab.

  2. To add optional field information for the order, click the Optional Fields tab.

  3. To change currency exchange rates in a multicurrency system, click the Rates tab.

  4. To add a prepayment to this order, click the Prepayment button. If you use Payment Processing, you can also process a credit card prepayment for the order.

  5. To check the totals for the order, click the Totals tab.

  1. Click Post to post the shipment, as well as any prepayment or invoice information.

Order Entry lets you print the following documents after you post the order.

  • Shipment picking slip.

  • Invoice, if you chose to create an invoice.

  • Prepayment receipt, if you entered a prepayment for the shipment.

You can also print these forms separately, from the O/E Forms folder.

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