Look Up Sales History for an Item or a Customer
If you use the Keep Sales History option, you can view sales history, and drill down to transactions, for the years and periods for which you keep data.
You can use the form to display all items ordered by a customer, or to display all customers who ordered an item.
The form displays all sales and returns of items for the fiscal or calendar years and periods for which you keep history.
You can open the Sales History form in two ways:
By selecting it using the Sales History Inquiry icon in the O/E Statistics and Inquiry folder.
By selecting the History button in the Order Entry, Shipment Entry, Invoice Entry, and Credit Note/Debit Note Entry forms when entering an order, shipment, invoice, or credit/debit note.
To look up sales history for an item or a customer:
Open Order Entry > O/E Statistics and Inquiries > Sales History.
Click here for help on Sales History fields.
Specify the range of years and periods for which to display sales history.
In the Select By field, select:
Customer Number — to view all of the items ordered or returned by a particular customer.
Item Number — to view all of the customers who ordered or returned a particular item.
Type the item number or customer number for which to display history, or use the Finder to select the number.
If you use multicurrency accounting, specify whether to display amounts in your functional currency or in the customer's currency.
Click the Go button (
If you displayed history for a customer number, the program lists all of the items used on invoices or returns for the customer for each year and period.
If you displayed history for an item number, the program lists all of the customers to which you sold item for each year and period.
To print a sales history report that uses your current selections:
Click the Print button.
On the Sales History Report form that appears, make any additional selections that you want, and then click Print.
Click Close to return to the Sales History form.
To view transactions processed for a particular item or customer in a year and period, double-click the line for which you want more information, or select the line and then click the Details button.
The transactions appears in the Sales History Detail form.
Click here for help on Sales History detail fields.
To drill down to a particular invoice or return, select the transaction on the Sales History Detail grid, and then click the Document button to display the document.
To view serial numbers or lot numbers allocated in a transaction that included serialized or lotted items, select the transaction line on the grid, and then click the Serial/Lot Numbers button.