Orders Inquiry
This form lets you view all the posted sales orders for a selected customer, and view orders based on order date, order type, and order status.
To inquire on sales orders
Choose Current Orders Inquiry from the O/E Statistics and Inquiries folder.
In the Customer Number field, enter the number for the customer whose orders you want to review.
To limit the display to orders that meet certain criteria, specify a range of order numbers, order dates, and expected ship dates.
Select the type of orders (Active, Future, Standing, or Quote) you are inquiring on. You can also choose All if you wish to include all the types of orders in the display.
Select the status of orders you are inquiring on (Posted, Quote/Confirmation Printed, Picking Slip Printed, Never Invoiced, Partially Invoiced, Never Shipped, Partially Shipped, Complete, or On Hold). You can also choose All.
Note that if you shipped goods from an order and printed the picking slip after posting from the Order Entry form, the print status of the shipment will be set to “Picking Slip Printed,” but the print status of the order will not be changed.
To update the status for orders, post the order but do not print the picking slip. Instead, go to the O/E Forms folder, choose Picking Slips, select the form you want, and change the Select By field to Order Number. Print the picking slip, and the status will be correctly updated.
Click the Go button (
The program fills in the detail grid with information from the selected orders.
To view all the details of one of the orders, select the order line and click the Details button, or double-click the order line on the detail grid.
The program displays the original order in the Order Entry form.
You can view all the order information in the Order Entry form, including sales history for a selected item, but you cannot change the order.