Create an Order from an Existing Order

Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry 6.0

Copy Orders


The Copy Orders form lets you select an existing order, or a range of orders, on which to base a new order. The details from the existing orders, including item numbers, quantities ordered, pricing, and other information, appear as defaults for the new order.

You can select the details you want to use in the new order, and you can change the price list, location, ship date, quantity ordered, unit of measure, and unit price for any detail line.

Note: You cannot create a new order with items that require price approvals. If any item on an original order is priced so that it requires price approval, Order Entry will display an error message when you click the Go () button.

To create a new order from one or more existing orders:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Transactions > Copy Orders.

Click here for help on all Copy Orders fields.

  1. In the From Customer Number field, type the code for the customer whose order details you want to copy for the new sales order.

  2. In the To Customer Number field, type the code for the customer for whom you are creating the new order, or use the Finder or the navigation buttons to select it.

  1. In the From Order Number and To Order Number fields, enter the range of existing "From Customer" orders to use as the basis for the new order.

  2. If the customers are different and have different tax groups, enter or select the tax group for the To customer.

  3. Specify the type of order that you are copying (Active, Future, Standing, or Quote).

  4. If you use Project and Job Costing, choose whether you are copying job-related orders.

If job-related, specify whether you want to copy orders that use project invoicing.

Note: The program will select from the type of orders that you choose. For example, if you select job-related, but do not select project invoicing, the program will search for all orders within the customer and order ranges which are job-related but do not use project invoicing.

  1. If the customers and the customer currencies are different, enter or select the price list for the To customer. (If the From and To customer is the same, the program copies the prices directly from the previous orders.)

Note: If the original order uses a currency with more decimal places than the new order, the program will display an error message if the order contains miscellaneous charges.

  1. Click the Go button () to add the details from the existing orders to the new order.

  2. In the Order Number field, type an order number if you wish to assign a number manually, or accept the ***New*** entry to let the program assign the next number in the order number sequence.

  3. In the Order Date field, enter or choose the date for the order. The program automatically displays the session date as the order date.

  4. If you need to put the order on hold for some reason, select the On Hold option.

  5. Choose the type of order that you are creating (Active, Future, Standing, or Quote).

  6. Enter a description and a reference for the order.

  7. Use the detail grid on the Copy Orders form to edit the details as you require.

To delete a detail line, you simply click the detail line, then press the Delete key on your keyboard.

If Inventory Control permits the allocation of serial numbers or lot numbers using the Qty. Ordered field, and the detail is for a serialized or lotted item, you can optionally allocate serial numbers and/or lot numbers for the order quantity you enter.

For items that are not kitting items:

  1. Enter a quantity for the item in the Qty. Ordered field (or accept the quantity, if it is correct), and then click the Zoom () button.

The Serial/Lot Numbers form that appears includes a Serials tab if the item is serialized and/or a Lots tab if the item is lotted.

Click here for help on the fields on the Serial/Lot Numbers Allocation form.

Use the Serial/Lot Numbers Allocation form to allocate serial numbers and lot numbers, as follows:

  • Use the Serials tab to assign serial numbers.

    You assign serial numbers for the order in one of the following ways:

    • Type the serial numbers in the Serial Number list, or use the Finder to add them one at a time.


    • Click the Auto-Alloc. button to allocate the required serial numbers, beginning with the first available serial number.


    • Select the Auto-Allocate From option, type or select the starting number for the sequence in the field that appears, and then click Auto-Alloc. to allocate all the required serial numbers.

  • Use the Lots tab to assign lot numbers.

    You assign lot numbers for an order in one of the following ways:

    • Type the lot numbers in the Lot Number list, or use the Finder to add them one at a time.


    • Click the Auto-Alloc. button to allocate the required lot numbers, beginning with the first available lot number.


    • Select the Auto-Allocate From option, type or select the starting number for the sequence in the field that appears, and then click Auto-Alloc. to allocate all the required lot numbers.

The quantity of serial numbers or lot numbers you require appears in the Serial (or Lot) Number list. The quantity remaining to be allocated is reduced as you allocate numbers.

  1. When the quantity of serial numbers and/or lot numbers remaining is zero, click Close to return to the Order Entry form.

For kitting items,click here for instructions on assigning numbers.

  1. Select the kitting item on the grid, and then click the Components button.

The Kitting Components form appears, listing the items that make up the kit.

The Serialized/Lotted column displays Yes for items that are serialized or lotted.

  1. For each serialized or lotted item:

  1. On the item line on the grid, click the Qty. Ordered field, and then press the Tab key, or click the Zoom () button if it is available.

If Inventory Control permits you to allocate serial numbers and/or lot numbers using the order quantity, the Serial/Lot Numbers Allocation form appears.

Use the Serial/Lot Numbers form to allocate serial numbers and/or lot numbers for the quantity you are adjusting, as for non-kitting items.

  1. Click Close to return to the Kitting Components form.

  2. Click Close to return to the transaction entry form.

  1. When you have finished entering information for the order, click the Create button to generate the order.

After copying an order, or orders

  • You use the Order Entry form to review, edit, and post the order.

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