Salesperson Commissions Report — Printing
Print the Salesperson Commissions report when you need a list of the sales commission earned since you last cleared commission data for each salesperson for whom you track commissions. You can print a detail or summary version of the report.
Before Printing the Salesperson Commissions Report
For each salesperson whose commissions you want to track, the Paid Commissions option must be selected in the salesperson record (in Accounts Receivable) .
To be able to print this report, you must select the Track Commissions option on the Options form before you run Day End Processing.
After printing the report, you can clear the salesperson commission data to start a new commission period.
When to print
After running Day End Processing, or any time you want to review commission data.
How to print
In the Print field, specify whether to print a detail or summary report.
If you want to include a column that indicates the type of commission paid, select the Include Commission Type option.
In the Select By field, specify whether to select commissions by date or by year and fiscal period, and then use the From and To fields that follow to specify a range of dates or years and fiscal periods to include on the report.
Specify the range of salesperson codes you want to include on the report.
If you are printing a detail report, specify whether to sort the details by document number, document date, or customer number.
If you are sorting by customer number and you want to print subtotals for each customer, select the option Display Subtotals.
For more information on the contents of this report, see Salesperson Commissions report — features.
See also
When Print Destination is File
When Print Destination is Printer
When Print Destination is Preview
When Print Destination is E-mail