Order Confirmations — Printing
Before completing and invoicing an order, you can print and send customers an order confirmation which acknowledges receipt of the order and confirms the contents.
You can print confirmations for all orders or for a range of order numbers. For the selected orders, you can:
Print only the order confirmations that have not been printed yet, or also print new copies of those that were printed previously.
Print serial numbers and lot numbers for serialized and lotted items, if you use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking (separately licensed). For each detail line, the order confirmation lists the serial and/or lot number for each of the items ordered.
Indicate whether shipping labels are required for the order.
Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry includes two sample forms for order confirmations: OECONF01.RPT for printing on blank paper and OECONF02.RPT for preprinted forms. You should set up and test these forms before you begin entering transactions.
Note: An additional form, OECONF03.RPT, is used for Internet orders entered through iConnect Sales Orders – Order Entry.
How to print a range of order confirmations
Choose Order Confirmations from the Forms folder.
Select the report format you want to use to print the report:
OECONF01.RPT Order confirmation for laser printers (plain paper version).
OECONF02.RPT Order confirmation (for preprinted forms).
Use the From and To Order Number fields to specify a range of orders, or accept the default range (all orders).
Select the Delivery method.
Select Print Destination to print to your usual print destination
Select Customer to use the delivery method specified in the customer record (for example, the customer’s e-mail address).
If you selected Customer as the delivery method, select the ID for the e-mail message to send to customers whose delivery method is e-mail, or accept the default ID.
Specify print options for the order confirmations. You can select:
Include Confirmations Already Printed if you want to print new copies of order confirmations that you printed before.
Print Serial/Lot Numbers to print the serial numbers or lot numbers assigned to serialized or lotted items. (You can select this option if you have a license to use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking.)
Require Shipping Labels if you want to print shipping labels for marked order confirmations only. (When you print shipping labels, you can print labels for the order confirmations that were marked as requiring them.)
Note that you can print shipping labels only if you entered a number on the Totals tab for each order.
Custom Form only if you have a special order confirmation form that does not use the report selection criteria sent by this print form.
Print Kit Component Items to print all of the components in kit assemblies on the order confirmation.
Print Bills of Material Component Items to print all of the components in assemblies that are manufactured from bills of material on the order confirmation.
Print On Hold Orders to print all orders, whether or not they are on hold.
Click the Print button.
If you are printing the order confirmation on a printer (and not sending the form by e-mail), you can click the Align button to print a sample copy of the confirmation to check whether the order information prints in the right places on preprinted forms. If the sample form does not line up correctly, ensure that you have correctly inserted the forms in the printer.
Printing a single order confirmation from Order Entry
You can also print an order confirmation from the Order Entry form immediately after posting. (Order Entry asks whether you want to print the order confirmation when it displays the "Posting completed" message.)
For more information on the contents of this report, see Order confirmations — features.
See also
When Print Destination is File
When Print Destination is Printer
When Print Destination is Preview
When Print Destination is E-mail