Sales History Report — Printing
Print the Sales History report for use as a sales journal, to record sales staff performance by territory or location, and to indicate the strengths and weaknesses in company sales.
You can clear the sales history (using the Clear History form) after printing the report to any destination.
To be able to print the report, you must choose the Keep Sales History option on the Options form prior to running Day End Processing.
When to print
Print the report after running Day End Processing, at the end of an accounting cycle, or any time you want to check on your sales performance.
How to print
On the Sales History form, click File, and then click Print.
From the Report Type list, select the type of report you want to print. You can select:
For the Detail report, you can:
Select sales history by year and period or by document date.
Sort the report by primary salesperson, item number, or customer number.
If you sort by item or customer, you can include invoice details, serial and lot numbers (if you have a license for Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking), and kit components on the report.
For the Summary report, you can:
Select history by year and period, only.
Sort the report by customer number or item number.
For the Totals report, you can:
Select history by year and period or by document date.
Print a comparative history for another range of years and periods or document dates.
Sort the report by customer number or item number.
If you are printing a Detail report by item or customer and you want to include invoice details, serial and lot numbers, or kit components, select the Include Invoice Details option. Once you select the Include Invoice Details option, you can select the following additional options:
Print Kit Components. (This option is located near the bottom of the form.)
Include Serial/Lot Numbers. (This option is available if you use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking.)
Specify selection criteria, as follows:
Select By. Use
the Select By field, and the From and To fields that follow the Select
By field,
to specify the time period for which to print sales history.
If you are printing a Detail report or a Totals report, you can specify whether to select history by document date or by year and period. If you select:
Document Date— use the From Document Date and To fields to specify the range of dates for which to print history.
Year/Period— use the From Year /Period and To Year /Period fields to specify the range of years and periods for to print history.
If you are printing a Totals report, you can also select Show Comparison. If you select this option, use the next set of year and period fields to specify a comparison range of years and periods for which to print sales history.
If you are printing a Summary report, use the From Year /Period and To Year /Period fields to specify the range of years and periods for to print history.
Sort By.Specify the order in which to print
sales history.
You can sort history by customer number or item number, or, if you are printing a Detail report, by primary salesperson.
If you sort by Primary Salesperson, you can include kit components on the report.
From / To ranges. Depending on your choice for the Sort By field, additional fields may appear that let you specify ranges of customers, territories, salespersons, items, account sets, categories, and currencies (in a multicurrency system). If you use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking and you selected the option to include serial and lot numbers, you can also specify ranges of serial and lot numbers.
Specify ranges to restrict sales history to these ranges, or accept the default ranges to print sales history for all salespersons, customers, and items.
If you use multicurrency accounting, specify whether to print amounts in the customer's currency or your functional currency.
If you sorted the report by Primary Salesperson, you can select the option to print kit component items.
Click Print.
For more information on the contents of this report, see Sales History report — features.
See also
When Print Destination is File
When Print Destination is Printer
When Print Destination is Preview
When Print Destination is E-mail