Invoice Action Report — Printing
Print the Invoice Action report to find out whether orders have been partially or fully invoiced, and to print the current amounts remaining to be invoiced.
Note: You need Transaction Inquiry security authorization to view this report.
For more information on the contents of this report, see Invoice Action report — features.
When to print
When you need to review active orders to see what has been invoiced, or needs to be invoiced.
How to print
Choose Invoice Action from the O/E Reports folder.
Specify whether to print a detail report or a summary report.
Specify the main selection method and sorting order for the report — by order number or shipment number — and the range of order numbers or shipment numbers to include on the report.
If you select by shipment, you choose the range of shipments and, optionally, a range of customers or a range of salespeople.
If you select by order, you choose the range of orders and, optionally, a range of customers or a range of salespeople. However, you can also choose the status of the orders printed, which involves choosing from a variety of shipment statuses and invoicing statuses.
Specify the secondary sorting order — by customer number or primary salesperson — and the range of customer numbers or primary salespeople.
Select the range of order dates or shipment dates to include on the report (depending on whether you are selecting orders or shipments).
If you are selecting by order number, specify the Shipped and Invoiced statuses of the orders to include on the report.
You use the options in the Include Orders section to restrict the report to orders that are partially shipped or fully shipped, and that are not invoiced, partially invoiced, or fully invoiced. You can include any combination of statuses, but you must select at least one Shipped status and one Invoiced status to print the report.
If you have a multicurrency system, choose whether to print amounts in the customer currency or your functional currency.
If you are printing a detail report and you use Sage ERP Accpac Project and Job Costing, select the Include Job Details option if you want to print the contract, project, and category information for each detail.
See also
When Print Destination is File
When Print Destination is Printer
When Print Destination is Preview
When Print Destination is E-mail