Transaction List Report — Printing
The order, invoice, shipment, and credit/debit note lists let you print detailed or summary listings of all current Order Entry transactions. You print a separate report for each type of transaction.
You can sort the reports by transaction number or customer number, and you can specify a range of transaction numbers, customer numbers, and currency codes (if you have a multicurrency system) to include in the report.
If you are printing orders, you can select active orders, future orders, standing orders, or quotes, and you can include orders which have only been entered, orders for which a confirmation has been printed, orders for which a picking slip has been printed, orders never invoiced, orders partially invoiced, completed orders, and orders on hold.
Note: You need Transaction Inquiry security authorization to view this report.
When to print
Print these reports for full or partial information on current or past transactions (if you keep transaction history).
Keep Transaction History option. If you do not keep transaction history, Order Entry deletes transaction information when you run Day End Processing in Inventory Control.
Day End Processing deletes order information when orders are completed and deletes invoice and credit note information after you have printed invoices and credit notes.
How to print
Double-click the Transaction List icon in the Reports folder.
In the Print field, select the type of transaction (orders, shipments, invoices, credit/debit notes).
Select the report type (detail or summary).
Select sort order (by transaction number or customer number).
Select the range of transaction numbers, customer numbers, and currencies (if you have a multicurrency system).
Select the information you want to include in the report. For example, if you selected Order in the Print field, you can choose to include some or all of the following information:
Order information
Order details
Optional fields
Job details
Retainage details (if you are including job details)
Serial and lot numbers (if you have a license to use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking).
Order type (active, standing, future, quote)
Status (posted, never shipped, on hold, etc.)
Source (entered, Internet)
Click Print.
For more information on the contents of this report, see Transaction List — features.
See also
When Print Destination is File
When Print Destination is Printer
When Print Destination is Preview
When Print Destination is E-mail