Invoices — Printing
An invoice is a detailed bill for all items purchased and shipped by Order Entry.
Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry comes with two sample 8½" x 11" datapiped formats for invoices: one for preprinted forms, and one that prints the entire credit note or debit note on blank paper. Two non-datapiped formats are also available. You can use the sample formats or change them to suit your company's requirement.
Note: An additional invoice form, OEINV03.RPT, is used for Internet inquiries using iConnect Sales Orders - Order Inquiry.
Keeping Transaction History
If you do not use the option to keep transaction history, Order Entry deletes information for printed invoices when you run Day End Processing in Inventory Control — so you will not be able to reprint invoices.
How to print invoices
You can use the Invoices icon to print a range of invoices, or you can print an invoice from the Order/Invoice Entry form immediately after posting it.
If you are printing a single invoice from Invoice Entry, Order Entry asks if you want to print the invoice when it displays the "Posting completed" message. Click Yes.
To print a range of invoices, choose the Invoices icon from the O/E Forms folder.
In the Use Invoice field, select the invoice format you want to use.
OEINV01.RPTInvoice for laser printer (plain paper version)
OEINV02.RPTInvoice (for preprinted forms)
OEINV04.RPT Invoice for laser printer plain paper version (non-datapiped)
OEINV05.RPT Invoice for preprinted forms (non-datapiped).
If you are using the Invoices icon, use the From Invoice and To Invoice fields to specify a range of invoices, or accept the default entries to print all of them..
Select the delivery method from the list.
Select Print Destination to print to your usual print destination.
Select Customer to use the delivery method specified in each customer record (such as e-mail).
If you choose Customer as the delivery method, select the ID for the e-mail message you want to send with invoices for customers that use e-mail as the delivery method.
To view or edit the message for the selected ID, or to add a new e-mail message for invoices, click the Zoom button for the Message ID field.
If you are using the Invoices icon, select Include Invoices Already Printed to print all invoices in the range, or leave the option unchecked to print only those invoices that have not been printed.
Select Print Serial/Lot Numbers to print the serial numbers or lot numbers that have been assigned to the items on the invoices.
Serial numbers and lot numbers are printed for serialized and lotted items that have serial or lot numbers assigned to them.
The invoice includes the serial and/or lot number for each of the items.
Specify whether you need shipping labels for the invoices.
Specify whether to include backordered items on invoices.
Do not select the Custom Form option unless you are using a customized invoice that requires it. (This option is for custom forms that do not use the report selection criteria sent by this print form.)
Select Print Kit Component Items if you want to print all of the components in kit assemblies on the invoice.
Select Print Bills of Material Component Items if you want to print all of the components in assemblies that are manufactured from bills of material on the invoice.
Select Retainage to include retainage amounts on the printed invoices. (This option is available only if you use Sage ERP Accpac Project and Job Costing and if Accounts Receivable uses retainage accounting.)
Click the Print button.
You can also click the Align button when printing to a printer. Use this button to print a sample copy of the invoice to check that preprinted forms are correctly inserted in the printer so that the invoice information will be printed in the right places.
Note that you must print invoices before they can be cleared.
Unit Price column may not match data entry screen
The Unit Price column printed on invoices is calculated by dividing the extended price by the quantity shipped — whether pricing by quantity or by weight. When pricing by weight (and when the order unit of measure is not the pricing unit of measure), the printed unit price may not match the unit price on the transaction entry forms.
See also
When Print Destination is File
When Print Destination is Printer