Print Shipping Labels
You can use Order Entry to print shipping labels which you can attach to shipments sent from the warehouse or shipping department. The number of labels printed for each order or invoice is the number specified for the order or invoice on the Totals tab of the Order/Invoice Entry form.
Order Entry comes with two labels: one works with 1½" x 4" sheet labels for a laser printer (report file OELABEL.RPT), and the other works with 1½" x 3¾" tractor feed labels (report file OELABELD.RPT).
You can change the shipping labels to suit your needs or create your own labels using the Crystal Reports designer. You should set up and test these forms before you begin entering transactions.
you start
Find out which report file to use for printing labels.
For example, you might have different labels for different stores, package sizes, destinations, shippers, etc.
To print shipping labels:
Open Order Entry > O/E Forms > Shipping Labels.
Choose the type of label you want to use. Order Entry comes with two label formats that you may be able to use:
OELABEL.RPT Shipping label: 1½" x 4" sheet labels for a laser printer (14 labels on a page)
OELABELD.RPT Shipping label: 1½" x 3¾" tractor feed labels
Choose whether to print labels for a range of invoices, orders, or shipments.
Specify the range of invoices, orders, or shipments.
Choose whether you want to reprint previously printed labels.
Choose whether you want to print labels for all shipments or invoices or print labels only for those invoices, orders, or shipments that you marked as requiring labels.
Click Print.
If you are printing to a printer, Order Entry displays the Print Destination dialog box to let you confirm your printer selection and change the number of copies to print. Click OK if the settings are correct; otherwise, click Cancel or Setup.
If you are printing to a file, Order Entry displays the name of the file so you can change it or cancel printing.
If you are printing to the screen (preview), Order Entry displays the report. If you want, you can then export it to a file or send it to the printer.