Print Credit Notes and Debit Notes

Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry 6.0

Print a Range of Credit Notes or Debit Notes


Order Entry does not let you delete credit note and debit note information until you have printed the credit notes and debit notes. In addition, you can reprint credit notes and debit notes any time before they are cleared from Order Entry using the Clear History form.

You can print credit notes and debit notes from the Credit/Debit Note Entry form immediately after posting, or you can print them using the Credit/Debit Notes form in the Forms folder.

When printing from the Credit/Debit Notes print form, you can:

  • Print test copies of credit notes and debit notes to check the alignment of your forms in your printer.

  • Limit printing to those credit notes and debit notes that were not previously printed.

  • Reprint credit notes and debit notes as many times as you need to get the clear, correct copies you want to send to the customer or file in your records.

Two sample credit note formats come with Order Entry.

You can use one of these formats, or alter it using Crystal Reports to match your requirements. You can also create your own forms to use with Order Entry.

To print a range of credit notes or debit notes:

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Forms > Credit/Debit Notes.

  2. Select the credit notes or debit notes to print as follows:

  • Document Type. Select the name of the invoice form to use. If you are not sure of the name, choose Browse, then select the form from the list that appears.

  • Use Credit/Debit Notes. Select the name of the credit or debit note form to use. If you are not sure of the name, choose Browse, then select the form from the list that appears.

  • From Credit/Debit Note Number / To Credit/Debit Note Number. Enter the first and last credit or debit notes numbers you want to print, or use the Finder to select the credit/debit notes.

  • Delivery Method. Choose how you want to send the credit or debit note to your customer.

    • Select Print Destination to print to your usual print destination.

    • Select Customer to use the delivery method specified in each customer record in the Accounts Receivable program (such as e-mail).

If you choose Customer as the delivery method, select the ID for the e-mail message you want to send with credit or debit notes for customers that use e-mail as the delivery method.

To view or edit the message for the selected ID, or to add a new e-mail message for invoices, click the Zoom button for the Message ID field.

  • Include Credit/Debit Notes Already Printed. Select this option if you want to print new copies of credit/debit notes that you printed before.

  • Print Serial/Lot Numbers. This option is available if you use Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking. You can select this option if any items used in document details are serialized or lotted, and you want to include serial numbers and/or lot numbers on the credit note or debit note.

  • Use Custom Form. Do not select the Custom Form option unless you are using a customized credit or debit note form that requires it. (This option is for custom forms that do not use the report selection criteria sent by this print form.)

  • Print Kit Component Items. Select Print Kit Component Items if you want to print all of the components in kit assemblies on the credit or debit notes.

  • Print Bills of Material Component Items. Select Print Bills of Material Component Items if you want to print all of the components in assemblies that are manufactured from bills of material on the credit or debit notes.

  • Retainage. The Retainage option is available if your Accounts Receivable system uses Retainage accounting. Select the option to include retainage information on the credit note or debit note.

  1. Click Print.

If you are printing the credit/debit notes on a printer (and not sending the form by e-mail), you can click the Align button to print a sample copy of the credit/debit notes to check that the information prints in the right places on preprinted forms. If the sample form does not line up correctly, ensure that you have correctly inserted the forms in the printer.

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