Print Customer Forms Using an E-mail Delivery Method

Sage ERP Accpac Order Entry 6.0

Print Customer Forms Using an E-mail Delivery Method


Order Entry also lets you send quotes, order confirmations, and invoices to customers using the delivery method specified in the customer records, or using the currently set print destination.

The customer delivery methods include mail, fax, e-mail, contact’s fax, or contact’s e-mail.

If you choose the customer delivery method, some forms may be e-mail immediately to customers, others may be printed for normal mail delivery, while others may be faxed — depending on the delivery method for each customer.

Note: Sage Accpac ERP also lets you print any reports as an attachment to an e-mail message. See Print Reports as an E-mail Attachment.

To automatically e-mail business forms to customers:

  1. In the Accounts Receivable, open A/R Customers > Customers.

  2. For each customer record:

  1. Specify the customer's e-mail address on the Address tab.

  2. On the Contact tab, specify the contact's e-mail address if you use it.

  3. On the Processing tab, choose E-mail or Contact's E-mail as the delivery method.

  4. Save the customer record.

  1. If you use ship-to locations, open A/R Customers > Ship-To Locations.

  2. For each ship-to record:

  1. Specify the ship-to location e-mail address on the Address tab.

  2. On the Contact tab, specify the contact's e-mail address if you use it.

  3. Save the ship-to record.

  1. Open Order Entry > O/E Setup > E-mail Messages.

  2. Create the E-mail message that you want to accompany each business form that you send to customers.

  3. Each time you print a form in Order Entry, choose Customer as the Delivery Method, and choose the e-mail message that you want to use with the business form (if you use more than one).

When you print using a customer delivery method

  • Sage ERP Accpac creates a PDF or RTF version of the report.

  • Opens your default e-mail program, and attaches the report file to a new e-mail.

In Microsoft Windows, the default e-mail program is set in Internet Options, in the Control Panel.

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