au3Irr2 Function Reference
__CreateVertStructHelper function: creates a structure array of vertices as expected from some functions.
#Include <au3Irrlicht2.au3>
$iVert | Number of vertex elements the struct array shall contain. |
Return Value
Success: The created vertex array struct
__GetVertStruct, __SetVertStruct, __CreateVectStruct
#include "au3Irrlicht2.au3"
local $tVertex = __CreateVertStruct(5)
; set up five vertices to define the points of a pyramid. the vertices have
; many properties that need to be set up to properly define the structure
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 0, $VERT_X, -20)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 0, $VERT_Y, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 0, $VERT_Z, -20)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 1, $VERT_X, -20)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 1, $VERT_Y, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 1, $VERT_Z, 20)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 2, $VERT_X, 20)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 2, $VERT_Y, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 2, $VERT_Z, 20)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 3, $VERT_X, 20)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 3, $VERT_Y, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 3, $VERT_Z, -20)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 4, $VERT_X, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 4, $VERT_Y, 35)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 4, $VERT_Z, 0)
; co-ordinates across a texture run from 0 to 1 so we place each of the vertices
; on this texture plane to appear ; if the pyramid was painted from its bottom up
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 0, $VERT_TEXTUREX, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 0, $VERT_TEXTUREY, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 1, $VERT_TEXTUREX, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 1, $VERT_TEXTUREY, 1)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 2, $VERT_TEXTUREX, 1)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 2, $VERT_TEXTUREY, 1)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 3, $VERT_TEXTUREX, 1)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 3, $VERT_TEXTUREY, 0)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 4, $VERT_TEXTUREX, 0.5)
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 4, $VERT_TEXTUREY, 0.5)
; each of the vertices can be assigned a colour to tint the texture:
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 0, $VERT_VCOLOR, _IrrMakeARGB(0, 255, 255, 255))
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 1, $VERT_VCOLOR, _IrrMakeARGB(0, 255, 255, 255))
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 2, $VERT_VCOLOR, _IrrMakeARGB(0, 255, 255, 255))
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 3, $VERT_VCOLOR, _IrrMakeARGB(0, 255, 255, 255))
__SetVertStruct($tVertex, 4, $VERT_VCOLOR, _IrrMakeARGB(0, 255, 255, 255))
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; create the faces, this is an array of indices referencing the vectors they
; are collected into groups of three each defining a triangle in the mesh
local $aIndices[18] = [0,1,4, 1,2,4, 2,3,4, 3,0,4, 2,1,0, 0,3,2]
; create the mesh from the array of vertices and indices
local $hMesh = _IrrCreateMesh("testMesh", $tVertex, $aIndices)
; add the mesh to the scene
local $SceneNode = _IrrAddMeshToScene( $hMesh )
_IrrAddRotationAnimator($SceneNode, 0, 0.2, 0)
_IrrSetNodeMaterialTexture( $SceneNode, _IrrGetTexture( "./media/au3irr2_logo.jpg" ), 0 )
_IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( $SceneNode, $IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, $IRR_OFF )
_IrrAddCamera(30, 30, 30, 0, 10, 0)
WHILE _IrrRunning()
_IrrBeginScene(0, 0, 25)