Function _IrrCreateMesh


au3Irr2 Function Reference


Create a new mesh from lists of vertices and indices.

#Include <au3Irrlicht2.au3>
_IrrCreateMesh($s_MeshName, $tVertexArray, $a_Indices)



$s_MeshName String name for the newly created mesh object.
$tVertexArray Vertex array struct as created with __CreateVertStruct or returned from _IrrGetMeshVertices.
$a_Indices 3D-array with list of indices as returned from _IrrGetMeshIndices or created e.g. with DIM $aIndices[indicesNumber] = [0,1,4, 1,2,4, ...]


Return Value

Success: Handle to the newly created mesh object
Failure: False and set @error:
    @error 1 : either AutoIt DllCall or IrrCreateMesh call failed
    @error 2 : $tVertexArray param is not a Struct
    @error 2 : $a_Indices param is not an Array



You must supply a list of vertices inside a vertex array struct and an array of indices that refer to these vertices.
The indices are taken in groups of three joining up the dots defined by the verticies and forming a collection of triangles.



_IrrGetMeshVertices, _IrrGetMeshIndices, _IrrAddMeshToScene, __CreateVertStruct



#include "au3Irrlicht2.au3"


local $orgMesh = _IrrGetMesh( "./media/zumlin.md2" )

local $tVertex; variable for the vertex array struct
; copy the vertex information into the array:
local $vertex_count = _IrrGetMeshVertices( $orgMesh, 0, $tVertex)

local $i
for $i = 0 to $vertex_count - 1 ; itterate through all of the vertices
    ; shrink vertex Y location by half its size, then change vertex colour value
    __SetVertStruct($tVertex, $i, $VERT_Y, __GetVertStruct($tVertex, $i, $VERT_Y) * 0.5 )
    __SetVertStruct($tVertex, $i, $VERT_VCOLOR, _IrrMakeARGB(0, Random(0,255), Random(0,255), Random(0,255) ) )
next ; $i

; create a second mesh with the modified vertices data and unmodified indices:
local $aIndices ; variable that will hold array of indices:
_IrrGetMeshIndices($orgMesh, 0, $aIndices)
local $secondMesh = _IrrCreateMesh("secondMesh", $tVertex, $aIndices )

local $texture = _IrrGetTexture(".\media\default_texture.png")

; add both meshes and a camera to the scene:
local $nodeCube1 = _IrrAddMeshToScene( $orgMesh )
_IrrSetNodeMaterialTexture( $nodeCube1, _IrrGetTexture(".\media\au3irr2_logo.jpg"), 0)
_IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( $nodeCube1, $IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, $IRR_OFF )
local $nodeCube2 = _IrrAddMeshToScene( $secondMesh )
_IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag( $nodeCube2, $IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, $IRR_OFF )
_IrrSetNodePosition($nodeCube2, 0, 0, 30)

_IrrAddCamera(50, 0, 30, 0, 0, 18)

WHILE _IrrRunning()
    _IrrBeginScene( 0, 0, 25 )
