Function _IrrAddFadeAnimator


au3Irr2 Function Reference


This animator deletes the node it is attached to after the specified number of milliseconds.

#Include <au3Irrlicht2.au3>
_IrrAddFadeAnimator($h_Node, $i_DeleteAfterMiliseconds, $f_Scale = 1.0)



$h_Node Handle of a scene Node.
$i_DeleteAfterMiliseconds Number of milliseconds before deleting the node.
$f_Scale Scaled amount while fading.


Return Value

Success: Handle of the created animator.
Failure: False



During the time while it is waiting to delete it the node is slowly faded to invisibility and is also scaled by the specified amount.
You could use this animator to fade and delete an object from a scene that was no longer required like a used medical pack,
all you would need to do is attach the fade animator and forget about it.



_IrrAddDeleteAnimator, _IrrRemoveAnimator



#include "au3Irrlicht2.au3"

Global $hMD2Mesh, $hMeshTexture, $hSceneNode


$hMD2Mesh = _IrrGetMesh("./media/zumlin.md2")
$hMeshTexture = _IrrGetTexture("./media/zumlin.pcx")
$hSceneNode = _IrrAddMeshToScene($hMD2Mesh)
_IrrSetNodeMaterialTexture($hSceneNode, $hMeshTexture, 0)
_IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag($hSceneNode, $IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, $IRR_ON)
_IrrSetAmbientLight( 1,1,1 )

_IrrAddFadeAnimator($hSceneNode, 3000, -1)

_IrrAddCamera(50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

While _IrrRunning() And Sleep(10)
    _IrrBeginScene(240, 255, 255)
