Function _IrrCreateBatchingMesh


au3Irr2 Function Reference


Create a batching mesh that will be a collection of other meshes into a single source mesh.

#Include <au3Irrlicht2.au3>





Return Value

Success: Handle to a bactching mesh.
Failure: False and @error 1



The function of the batching mesh is to avoid the use of large numbers of nodes that adds an overhead to the rendering process that can significantly slow it down.
Where you have a forest with a thousand trees you will see a significant increase in performance by batching all of those trees into a smaller number of node.
While this is handled as an irr_mesh it should only be used with batching mesh commands.



[todo: functionName, functionName]


See Also

_IrrAddToBatchingMesh, _IrrFinalizeBatchingMesh