Function _IrrAddStaticText


au3Irr2 Function Reference


Creates a static text object on the Graphical User Interface.

#Include <au3Irrlicht2.au3>
_IrrAddStaticText($s_Text, $i_TopX, $i_TopY, $i_BottomX, $i_BottomY, $i_Border, $i_WordWrap, $h_Parent = 0)



$s_Text String that contains the text you want to display.
$i_TopX Top X position of a box in which the text is drawn
$i_TopY Top Y position of a box in which the text is drawn
$i_BottomX Bottom X position of a box in which the text is drawn
$i_BottomY Bottom Y position of a box in which the text is drawn
$i_Border Border is used to draw a visible box around the text, its value should be either of:
$i_WordWrap Word wrap is used to define whether text is to be wrapped around into a second line when it fills the width of the text box, its value should be either of:
$h_Parent [optional] Parent defines the parent object of this window. This can be ommited if the object has no parent.


Return Value

Success: Pointer to the static text Object
Failure: False



This function simply displays the specifed text in the specified box.






#include "au3Irrlicht2.au3"

_IrrStart( $IRR_EDT_OPENGL, 800, 600, $IRR_BITS_PER_PIXEL_32, _

_IrrAddStaticText( "Hello AU3-World ;-)", 8, 8, 200, 20, $IRR_GUI_NO_BORDER, $IRR_GUI_NO_WRAP)

WHILE _IrrRunning()
    _IrrBeginScene(0, 0, 0)
