au3Irr2 Function Reference
_IrrAddLODManagerAdds a level of detail manager to the scene.
#Include <au3Irrlicht2.au3>
_IrrAddLODManager($u_FadeScale, $u_UseAlpha[, $p_Callback = 0])
$u_FadeScale | Number of 1/4 seconds that the node takes to fade out or in. 4 units equals 1 second. |
$u_UseAlpha | Specifies whether or not the Alpha color of the object is faded too. |
$p_Callback | [optional] Register a callback function that is called whenever a node is made invisible or visible. This allows you to stop processing hidden nodes. |
Return Value
Success: Handle to the LOD Manager nodeFailure: False and @error 1
The primary use for this node is to add other scene nodes to it as children and have their level of detail controlled automatically.If those nodes are made from loaded meshs different meshes containing different amounts of detail can be displayed at different distances.
The other function of the LOD manager is to fade nodes in an out at a specific distance so they gradually fade rather than disappear abruptly.
This is achieved by applying a distance without supplying a mesh.
_IrrAddLODMesh, _IrrSetLODMaterialMap
#include "au3Irrlicht2.au3"
Global $hLOD1Mesh
Global $hLOD2Mesh
Global $hMeshTexture
Global $aSceneNodes[$iAmountNodes]
Global $hMaterial
Global $k = 0
Global $hLODManager
Global $hCamera
$hLOD1Mesh = _IrrGetMesh("./media/cylinderY.obj")
$hLOD2Mesh = _IrrGetMesh("./media/cylinderYLow.obj")
_IrrScaleMesh($hLOD1Mesh, 8.0)
_IrrScaleMesh($hLOD2Mesh, 8.0)
$hMeshTexture = _IrrGetTexture("./media/Cross.bmp")
For $i = -($ROWS_AND_COLUMNS / 2) To ($ROWS_AND_COLUMNS / 2) - 1
For $j = -($ROWS_AND_COLUMNS / 2) To ($ROWS_AND_COLUMNS / 2) - 1
$aSceneNodes[$k] = _IrrAddMeshToScene($hLOD1Mesh)
_IrrSetNodePosition($aSceneNodes[$k], $i * 40.0, 0.0, $j * 40.0)
_IrrSetNodeMaterialTexture($aSceneNodes[$k], $hMeshTexture, 0)
_IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag($aSceneNodes[$k], $IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, $IRR_ON)
$hMaterial = _IrrGetMaterial($aSceneNodes[$k], 0)
_IrrMaterialVertexColorAffects($hMaterial, $ECM_NONE)
_IrrMaterialSetAmbientColor($hMaterial, 255, 255, 255, 255)
_IrrMaterialSetDiffuseColor($hMaterial, 255, 255, 255, 255)
$k += 1
$hLODManager = _IrrAddLODManager(2, $IRR_ON)
_IrrAddLODMesh($hLODManager, 0.0, $hLOD1Mesh)
_IrrAddLODMesh($hLODManager, 300.0, $hLOD2Mesh)
_IrrAddLODMesh($hLODManager, 500.0, $IRR_NO_OBJECT)
_IrrSetNodeMaterialFlag($hLODManager, $IRR_EMF_LIGHTING, $IRR_OFF)
For $i = 0 To $k - 1
_IrrAddChildToParent($aSceneNodes[$i], $hLODManager)
$hCamera = _IrrAddFPSCamera($IRR_NO_OBJECT, 100.0, 0.05)
_IrrSetNodePosition($hCamera, 0, $ROWS_AND_COLUMNS * 4, $ROWS_AND_COLUMNS * 2)
_IrrSetCameraTarget($hCamera, 0, 50, 0)
_IrrSetCameraClipDistance($hCamera, 2500.0)
_IrrSetAmbientLight(1, 1, 1)
While _IrrRunning() And Sleep(10)
_IrrBeginScene(0, 0, 0)